Nov 10, 2019 | Carver County MN, Comprehensive Mediation, Neutral Mediator
When you decide to hire a person or a company to perform any professional service for you, you may check references and inquire about experience to decide whether they are a good fit for the job you need completed. Experience and quality of work is especially important when deciding who to hire. Deciding on a divorce mediation service is extremely important – perhaps on the most important decisions you will make during the entire divorce process. Johnson Mediation wants you to feel comfortable with your mediator and confident in your choice. Jeff Johnson, founder and expert mediator at Johnson Mediation, brings extensive knowledge about Minnesota law, up to date mediation training and first-hand experience with divorce to each and every case he works on.
Nov 6, 2019 | Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediation, Mediator Near ME
One of the primary benefits of partnering with Johnson Mediation, a professional Minnesota mediation firm, is that our team can help you navigate the divorce process and offer you the support that you need AFTER your divorce is final. There is no denying how stressful a divorce is for all involved and this stress does not magically go away when divorce papers are signed. Post-divorce support and mediation are important resources for individuals and families who have been through the divorce process and are looking for help moving forward.
Johnson Mediation understands how difficult it can be to ask for help after a divorce. Your future may feel uncertain, your confidence may have taken a hit and you may have a flood of emotions to manage.
Oct 31, 2019 | Carver County MN, Divorce Mediation, Mediator Near ME
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce and use divorce mediation services to settle the important issues like division of property and child custody, then your next important step is to find the right mediator for you. Johnson Mediation is a trusted Carver County divorce mediator with extensive experience in Minnesota law and we bring care and compassion to each case. Our team can help you resolve all aspects of a divorce settlement and ensure that you and your family are in a strong and positive position to move forward toward your future. Below are some important tips for choosing the best mediator to help you navigate your case.
Oct 24, 2019 | Mediation, Mediator Near ME
Divorce support can come in many ways. You may seek support from family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, a therapist, or a clergy member. In addition, you should be aware that you can also get specific support for navigating the divorce process from a professional divorce mediation firm. This support can supplement the personal support that you receive from loved ones and help you settle the terms of your divorce and move forward with your life. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce support services that are focused on you.
Oct 11, 2019 | Chanhassen MN, Comprehensive Mediation
The divorce process can be intimidating and seem very transactional after a marriage has dissolved. After all, deciding that a marriage is over is likely one of the most difficult of all decisions and is known to be one of the most stressful life events. Mediation gives you the opportunity to finalize the important aspects of a divorce, while giving your family (and even your ex) the respect and closure that you need to move forward in a healthy way. Johnson Mediation offers mediation services for divorcing couples in Chanhassen, MN. Our team focuses on helping you find solutions for you and your family that are fair, reasonable and workable.
Oct 5, 2019 | Mediator Near ME
Johnson Mediation provides highly effective and professional mediation services for couples navigating divorce in Minnesota who do not want to go through the traditional litigation process. In fact, the state of Minnesota now even requires that couples beginning the divorce process attempt an alternative dispute resolution process (like mediation) before proceeding through the traditional court process. Mediation has many benefits for families including reducing the cost of the divorce process, taking less time than a court battle and ensuring confidentiality.
Oct 1, 2019 | Mediator Near ME
Johnson Mediation’s mission is to help families navigate all issues related to their divorce. Jeff Johnson, the founder of Johnson Mediation, is a Minnesota state qualified neutral mediator, a social and financial early neutral evaluator, a parenting time expeditor, parenting consultant, parenting coach and a parenting class instructor. Jeff uses his background in psychology and finance to help families effectively manage the emotional and financial issues that come up when settling a divorce.
Sep 30, 2019 | Mediation, Mediation Questions
Divorce mediation is something you hope to never need. But, if you do find yourself in the midst of a divorce, you may wonder how the process works. The team at Johnson Mediation can guide you through the divorce mediation process from start to finish. Johnson Mediation understands that the divorce process can be stressful for a family. We work hard to make the process as seamless and stress free as possible. Mediation is less expensive and takes less time than the litigation process and allows you to maintain control over your life and your future.
Sep 20, 2019 | Mediation
The mediation process has become a very popular option for divorcing couples who would rather not engage in a prolonged court battle. In fact, trying mediation is actually encouraged by the Minnesota court system before you take your case to court. Successful mediation begins with you and your partner having an open mind, a commitment to finding solutions that are best for your entire family and being open to compromise. If you are able to find a way to bring a positive approach to this process, you will very likely find the results much more satisfying than a court battle.
Sep 17, 2019 | Divorce Mediation
Settling the terms of your divorce includes many different important pieces that can seem almost impossible when you begin. Developing a fair and equitable parenting plan, asset distribution and keeping your divorce civil are just a few of the challenging tasks that must be handled before your divorce is final. Mediation is one way to resolve these complex issues without increasing conflict and spending a fortune. Johnson Mediation will help you navigate all of these issues while keeping you focused on what is really important – you and your family.