Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Reducing Conflict During Divorce

Reducing Conflict During DivorceWhile it may not even seem possible in your situation, you can reduce the overall conflict between you and your soon to be ex-spouse during the divorce process. There is no doubt that if you have reached the point where divorce is your only option forward, there is likely at least some conflict in your relationship. In fact, you probably assume that this conflict is permanent. However, mediation allows you and your family to navigate your divorce in a healthier way, with the potential of even reducing overall conflict. Divorce mediation takes less time then litigated divorce, and is less expensive.

Reduce the Level of Conflict Surrounding Toxic Divorce

Reduce the Level of Conflict Surrounding Toxic DivorceA toxic divorce can mean different things to different couples. For some, it is characterized by intense conflict, anger and feelings of hostility, feelings of judgement or being married to a narcissist spouse. For many, the conflict can spill into all aspects of your life and make it feel unescapable. If you have decided that it is time to finally take that first step toward divorce, Johnson Mediation can help. Our team has experience reducing the level of conflict surrounding a toxic divorce and can give you the support and resources you need to finally move forward.

Child Custody Modification

Child Custody ModificationIf your current child-custody agreement no longer works for you as you need it to, you may need to request a child custody modification, and Johnson Mediation can help you accomplish this task. It is very important to keep your child custody agreement up to date.

If you and your ex are finding that since your divorce, situations have changed and you are starting to have tension between the two of you, sit down with a mediator and work things out. It is unrealistic to expect that you will never need to make changes to a child custody agreement.

Fighting with my Ex-Spouse after Divorce

Fighting with my Ex-Spouse after DivorceOne of the primary reasons couples decide to divorce is often rooted in conflict. The conflict in your marriage may have increased to a point that it was no longer healthy for either of you to stay married. In fact, conflict and arguing is one of the most common reasons cited for a divorce. It is important to realize, however, that getting a divorce does not automatically eliminate the conflict between you and your ex-spouse. If you find that you are fighting with your ex-spouse after your divorce is final, you might benefit from Johnson Mediation’s post-divorce

I Need A Mediator for my Divorce In Minnesota

I Need A Mediator for my Divorce In MinnesotaIf you have made the important but difficult decision to divorce and have decided to pursue mediation to settle the terms, you may be left wondering how to choose the best mediator for your situation. All divorces are different, and you and your soon to be ex-spouse have to make some VERY important decisions. A couple of examples would include, how to fairly separate your joint assets and property, developing a parenting plan that puts your children first and determining whether child or spousal support is needed. Here are some things to look for when…

Busiest Month For Divorce

Busiest Month For DivorceDid you know that January is known to be the busiest month for divorces in our country? Whether this is related to new year’s resolutions, a new tax year, the intense stress of the holiday season, or simply looking for a fresh start, the new year marks the end of marriage, and a fresh start for many. If this is something that you are considering in the days and weeks leading up to January, you may want to spend some time preparing for this possibility for you and your family. Here are some tips for small things you can do now that will help you in the new year.