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Why Are Divorces Common In The New Year?

Why Are Divorces Common In The New Year? Did you know that January is the most common month for divorce? In fact, it is sometimes known as Divorce month. There may be many reasons for this – it is just after the holidays; couples may decide that they need a fresh start for the new year and that it is to let go of things that are no longer healthy. If you are finding yourself looking ahead to the new year with divorce on the horizon, we can help. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce support for couples in Minnesota. We offer a wide variety of services to help you navigate the divorce process with less stress and more control over the outcome.

Will Divorce Mediation Work For My Complicated Divorce?

Will Divorce Mediation Work For My Complicated DivorceOne of the most common questions or concerns that we hear about related to divorce mediation is about whether it is a tool that can be successful for a very complicated divorce. While every relationship and every divorce is unique, the team at Johnson Mediation can say, with certainty, that divorce mediation CAN work for a very complicated divorce case. Mediation can be ideal for even the most complicated cases, allowing participants to consult with the very same experts that may be used in litigation. You are allowed to work with appraisers, attorneys, accountants, financial planners, and others during

Alternatives To Going To Court To Settle A Divorce

Alternatives To Going To Court To Settle A DivorceOver the last several years, more and more couples have looked for alternative ways to settle the terms of a divorce. Litigation has been the default process for many years, forcing couples to hire individual lawyers to represent them in court and spending a lot of time and money in the process. The most popular and effective alternative to litigation is divorce mediation, which allows couples to work with a neutral mediator to settle the terms of a divorce including division of property, child custody and spousal/child support. Rather than leave these major decisions in the hands of a judge, who can only learn so much

Effective Online Divorce Mediation

Effective Online Divorce MediationLife is busy – between work, your kids’ busy schedules, and routine issues that you have to get done on a daily basis. And, if you are beginning the divorce process, it is nearly certain that you are feeling stretched and overwhelmed. Online divorce mediation became extremely popular during the pandemic when we were all minimizing in-person meetings as a result of COVID-19. Now that we have vaccines and treatments for COVID, in-person meetings are safer, but many of us have continued to complete meetings virtually, rather than in person. This is the same for divorce mediation sessions. Johnson Mediation continues to offer

Minnesota Court System Recommends Mediation

Minnesota Court System Recommends MediationYou may be surprised to learn that the Minnesota court system encourages all couples who are beginning the divorce process to use mediation instead of litigation to settle the issues between you. The legal system is backed up with cases and simply cannot schedule in a timely manner. Mediation has been proven to be an effective and efficient way to settle the terms of a divorce including child custody, division of joint property and spousal maintenance and/or child support.

Why is the court system making this recommendation? There are several important reasons:

Parenting Time Support Services In 2022

Parenting Time Support Services In 2022Of all of the issues to resolve as part of your divorce, deciding how your children will split their time between parents is likely the most challenging. When you are all living under one roof, you are used to being part of every moment, every bedtime, every day of school, every small decision. When you and your spouse separate and begin the divorce process, this family dynamic shifts dramatically and can take an emotional toll on your entire family. Divorce mediation is an excellent way to determine a custody agreement and/or parenting plan

Amending Your Parenting Plan Before The Holidays

Amending Your Parenting Plan Before The HolidaysThe holidays are fast approaching and if you have been through a divorce and are co-parenting, you likely have a parenting plan in place that outlines how your children will spend their time over the holiday season. This parenting plan or custody agreement may have been negotiated during the divorce process. However, as your kids age and family circumstances change, these parenting plans may need to be changed to meet everyone’s needs. Your kids may have different preferences, your family may have new traditions, or you or your ex may have remarried and have a blended family. Changes in a parenting plan

What Is The Mediation Success Rate In MN?

What Is The Mediation Success Rate In MN?You may already know that the Minnesota court system recommends that all couples try mediation to resolve the terms of a divorce before attempting litigation. You may wonder why that is the recommendation. Mediation is less expensive and takes less time than litigation and that is certainly part of the reason. What you might not be aware of is just how successful mediation is. Mediation can be more than 85% effective in divorce cases, even when child custody is a factor. Both parties are often more satisfied with the outcome and the results are more long lasting. That is a very high success rate, especially given that many couples enter the divorce process with…

Comprehensive Mediation Resources in Minnesota

Comprehensive Mediation Resources in MinnesotaDivorce is one of those things that you hope never to have to navigate. However, many of us end up realizing that our marriage cannot move forward in a healthy way, so divorce becomes an unfortunate reality. The divorce process itself is unfamiliar and can be overwhelming and extremely stressful. It is certainly not something you would ever want to become an expert on. Over the last decade or two, divorce mediation has become a more popular option for resolving the terms of a divorce because it is less expensive and takes less time than litigation. In addition, it gives the couple the chance to make decisions for their own family, rather than putting that power in…

Choosing A Divorce Mediator In 2022

Choosing A Divorce Mediator In 2022When it comes to divorce, you must make some decisions to get the process started. One of those decisions is whether to go through the traditional court system for divorce or to attempt a mediated divorce. In addition to the many benefits of mediation, the Minnesota court system also recommends that all couples try divorce mediation first before proceeding through the courts. Choosing your mediator becomes your next major decision in terms of navigating the divorce process. Here are some important factors to consider as you make this important decision.