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Communicating With Kids About Divorce

Communicating With Kids About Divorce When you and your spouse decide to divorce, you are not only making this big decision for you, but you are also making it for your entire family – including your kids. Kids do not have much (if any) say in this decision but are affected significantly. Deciding how to communicate with them about the upcoming change related to divorce is a critical step in the process of helping them cope. Below are some tips for communicating calmly and effectively with your children of all ages about divorce:

How To Prepare For Divorce In 2023

How To Prepare For Divorce In 2023Generally, the early part of the year is a common time to begin the divorce process. Whether you have already started the process or are contemplating taking that first step, preparing for what is to come is crucial for you and your family. There are legal, financial and emotional aspects of the process that will have a significant impact. The more you know now, the better prepared you will be. Here are some things you can learn about now that will help you prepare for a divorce in 2023:

1. Divorce law in Minnesota: Minnesota is known as a “no fault” divorce state. That means that you do not have to prove that one party did anything wrong in order to be granted a divorce. So, if one party wants the divorce and the other does not, a divorce will be granted. This also means that “fault” is not considered when deciding issues around the divorce.
2. Do I have to hire an attorney?

Minimizing The Financial Impact Of Divorce

Minimizing The Financial Impact Of DivorceDivorce is a difficult and life altering event – it can have a long-term impact on your family, your daily life and your finances. There are both emotional and financial costs of divorce that cannot be avoided all together, but partnering with the team at Johnson Mediation can help you make decisions during the process that minimizes the financial damage. Here are some tips for protecting your finances during the divorce process:

1. Choose your divorce process: Deciding to settle your divorce with mediation rather than litigation will save you thousands of dollars

Co-Parenting Support Services

Co-Parenting Support ServicesWhen you got married and had children, did you ever give a single thought to what it might be like to co-parent your kids with your spouse? Most parents who are in a committed relationship do not give that much (if any thought) and assume that they will raise their children together. However, as time passes, conflict and tension rise and some couples decide that a divorce is the best option for their family. When you separate or divorce, it feels as though your role as parents changes dramatically. Instead of making joint decisions and living all together in the same home, you forge your path in two different homes

Co-Parenting Resources And Support

Co-Parenting Resources And SupportCo-parenting after a divorce is a huge adjustment for the entire family (parents and children). In fact, differing parenting styles may have contributed to the reasons you decided to divorce, so it makes sense that this new process of co-parenting from two different households can be a challenge (to say the least). It is important to remember, however, that you and your ex likely have the best interests of your children in mind, even if your approach is vastly different. Johnson Mediation offers highly effective co-parenting resources and support for families at every stage of the divorce process.

Ongoing Resources And Support for Divorce

Ongoing Resources And Support for DivorceWhen you decide to settle the terms of your divorce with the help of a mediation firm, you know that you will save time and money. However, there is an additional important benefit that you might not think about. A mediation firm can provide you with comprehensive support and resources throughout the divorce process that match your unique needs. This support can come as you decide whether or not to move forward with divorce, during the divorce proceedings or even long after your divorce is final. This is a very different type of support than can be provided by a lawyer and/or a judge

Common Myths Regarding Divorce

Common Myths Regarding DivorceDivorce is known to be one of the most stressful of all life events. As a result, when you ask about people’s experience, you will very often hear horror stories from friends, neighbors and co-workers about the process, the conflict and potential unfair outcomes. If you are considering a divorce, it is important that you keep in mind that every divorce is different and as much as people want to help, you have a lot of control over how your divorce moves forward. Here are a few common myths about divorce that you can keep in mind as you weigh this possibility for your family:

Divorce Mediation Advantages And Disadvantages

Divorce Mediation Advantages And DisadvantagesOnce you make the decision to divorce, you have another significant decision to make – what process to follow to settle and finalize your divorce. As you weigh your three main options: doing it yourself, using divorce mediation, or going through the traditional court system (litigation). Below we have outlined the pros and cons of divorce mediation so you can decide if it is right for you.

Advantages Of Divorce Mediation

There are many significant benefits of divorce mediation for settling the terms of your divorce. Divorce mediation is far less expensive, takes less time and is entirely confidential

Suggestions For Life After Divorce

Suggestions For Life After DivorceIf you have recently been through a divorce, you may be left with your finalized divorce papers, wondering – what now? The truth is that when a relationship fails and you go through the divorce process, it is very difficult to think about your future. But the reality is, your life has changed significantly. You may have more time on your hands, or you may have less time on your hands, your financial situation may look very different, you may feel like you are mourning a loss of a significant relationship. Another big change if you have children is sharing co-parenting responsibilities. You will realize quickly

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Divorce

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of DivorceDivorce can cost you thousands of dollars, at a time when you are already taking a financial hit from splitting your household from one to two. This can be extremely difficult to manage, while you are already under a huge amount of stress. You may be wondering if there is a way to reduce the cost of your divorce to help your family financially. Here are some tips for doing just that:

1. Choose how you want to resolve your divorce: Despite what you might assume, you do not have to go through the