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Settling A High Conflict Divorce

Settling A High Conflict DivorceWas the main driver in your decision to divorce related to intense conflict, anger, and fighting in your marriage? Did you feel like you and your partner could not agree on anything and fought about even the smallest issues? If you have decided to divorce after high levels of conflict in your marriage, you may assume that your only option is to proceed through the court system. However, litigation can actually make the conflict even worse. The foundation of litigation is winning or losing. You end up fighting hard and battling over issues like dividing property, child custody and spousal support.

Myths About Divorce

Myths about DivorceFortunately, divorce is something that some people never have to go through and for those that do, you are likely to only go through it once in your life. It is a complicated process that can feel overwhelming and stressful. Each person brings emotional and financial history to the table and there is a lot of misinformation about the process out there that can complicate the picture. Understanding the process can be a helpful step for preparing and being ready for what is next. Here are three of the most common divorce myths and the truth behind them.

Divorce Trends in 2021

Divorce Trends in 2021While every relationship and divorce is unique, there are some noticeable trends that can help you think about your situation and how the process is likely to go. Some of the most obvious trends are related to custody and the divorce process in general, which can be helpful as you move forward with your own divorce. Remember, no one really knows how the pandemic is going to effect school and the work place after we all where locked up and working and learning from home. Having said that, this is the trends we have seen so far in 2021.

Making Your Divorce Easier

Making Your Divorce EasierFor decades, if not longer, married couples have found ways to end their marriages. Not long ago, divorcing one’s spouse required a great deal of effort, time, and energy, and often proved to be cost prohibitive. There were many reasons it was so difficult. The church strongly discouraged the practice and gave their blessing only in rare circumstances. Our society has historically frowned on divorce, believing that the vows taken should be eternal, even when there are extenuating circumstances, which could include relationship violence, infidelity, and other forms of deception. As the perception of divorce has changed over time

Find Common Ground During Your Divorce

Find Common Ground During Your DivorceThere is never a convenient time for you and your spouse to realize that you are ready to divorce, and the energy required to end a marriage can be enormous. In fact, there are few experiences in life that are more stressful than divorce. However, there are things that you can do to minimize this stress. Divorce mediation has helped many couples navigate the divorce process with less overall stress and heartache. Divorce no longer needs to be a guaranteed source of great stress. There is no doubt that divorce will never be a stress free experience, but with the help of a qualified divorce mediator

How Do I Help My Kids Adjust to our Divorce?

How Do I Help My Kids Adjust to our Divorce? - Divorce Support MNA divorce does not just impact the two adults in a relationship. If you have children, they feel the impact as well. Helping your children adjust to the idea of the divorce and then the major life changes that follow is a huge part of the transition process for many couples. Your children know you and your spouse well, so trying to hide things and tell them things that are simply not true are going to make them feel unsure and vulnerable. Be honest about what is happening, what it means for them and that you will love them the same no matter what.

Finding Common Ground In The Divorce Process

Finding Common Ground In The Divorce ProcessThe sun is hot. Water is wet. Day follows night. There are some statements in life that are so obvious that stating them at all seems unnecessary. The statement, “divorce is difficult,” also fits into this category. However, the reality is that there is nothing that can be done to change the heat of the sun, the wetness of water, or the coming of a new day. There IS something that can be done about the difficulty of divorce and all it takes is a phone call or a few clicks on a computer keyboard to reduce the difficulty of divorce. Johnson Mediation provides divorce mediation services, and we have helped many couples reduce

Is My Marriage Over?

Is My Marriage Over?Only you and your spouse can truly decide if your marriage is over. Couples make the difficult decision to divorce for many different reasons and no one can truly tell you whether your marriage is really over but you. Deciding to divorce is a major life decision that impacts every member of your family so it should not be taken lightly. Divorce is a choice – and staying together is as well. You have the power to make that choice and it is important that you spend time thinking about all of the consequences for separating and staying together. If you have been considering divorce, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you

Avoiding Common Custody Issues This Summer

Avoiding Common Custody Issues this SummerCovid -19 seem’s to be slowing down and people are getting ready for traveling and family get togethers. Summer is almost here and if you are like many families, schedules change significantly once school finishes for the kids. It is important to try to avoid conflict with your ex and serious problems with your custody agreement. This may feel easier said than done. Here are some tips for avoiding common custody issues this summer

Tips For Surviving A Divorce This Year

Tips For Surviving A Divorce This YearThere is no way to make divorce easy, but there are ways to position yourself so that you can navigate the process successfully, with less overall stress. Here are some tips for actions that you can take now so that you are ready when it is time to navigate the process.

1. Get organized: Use any extra time you have to get organized before the divorce process begins. The only way that you can make sound decisions about how to divide property and determine how your children should divide their time is to have a true sense of your overall picture