Jun 3, 2023 | Child Custody, Child Support, Child Visitation Mediation MN, Post Divorce Support
When you are in the middle of the divorce process, all you can likely think about is when it will be over. When will you be able to stop thinking about the next problem to solve or the next stressful interaction? You may feel drained and depleted because of all of the change in your life – and you may be worried about how your kids are adjusting to their new world. While it may be hard to face, the impact of your divorce does reach well past the date that you sign your divorce papers. When you have spent a significant amount of your life closely connected to another individual, it can take some time
Apr 22, 2023 | Post Divorce Support
When you decide to settle the terms of your divorce with the help of a mediation firm, you know that you will save time and money. However, there is an additional important benefit that you might not think about. A mediation firm can provide you with comprehensive support and resources throughout the divorce process that match your unique needs. This support can come as you decide whether or not to move forward with divorce, during the divorce proceedings or even long after your divorce is final. This is a very different type of support than can be provided by a lawyer and/or a judge
Mar 25, 2023 | Children & Divorce, Co-Parenting, Post Divorce Support
If you have recently been through a divorce, you may be left with your finalized divorce papers, wondering – what now? The truth is that when a relationship fails and you go through the divorce process, it is very difficult to think about your future. But the reality is, your life has changed significantly. You may have more time on your hands, or you may have less time on your hands, your financial situation may look very different, you may feel like you are mourning a loss of a significant relationship. Another big change if you have children is sharing co-parenting responsibilities. You will realize quickly
Mar 4, 2023 | Mediation Questions, Online Mediation, Post Divorce Support
The pandemic changed so many aspects of our daily life. Even now that hospitalizations and deaths are down and we have moved forward, many things that were implemented during that time period have stayed with us. For example, many of us still work primarily from home and many of us still do curbside pickup for our groceries. During the pandemic, our mediation firm moved all of our cases online, rather than conducting in person sessions in order to minimize the spread of the virus. Now that we are (for the most part) on the other side, we are in a position to take any of the positive changes
Feb 4, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Post Divorce Support
A divorce agreement is the written document that outlines the decisions (or agreements) that you make with your ex about the outstanding issues in your divorce. Very often, a divorce agreement covers the division of all of your joint property (including assets and debt), an outline of your parenting plan and/or custody agreement and spousal or child support (if necessary). Johnson Mediation can help you through the process of developing your divorce agreement through the mediation process, rather than having to go through the litigation
Nov 17, 2022 | Child Custody, Child Visitation Mediation MN, Post Divorce Support
The holidays are fast approaching and if you have been through a divorce and are co-parenting, you likely have a parenting plan in place that outlines how your children will spend their time over the holiday season. This parenting plan or custody agreement may have been negotiated during the divorce process. However, as your kids age and family circumstances change, these parenting plans may need to be changed to meet everyone’s needs. Your kids may have different preferences, your family may have new traditions, or you or your ex may have remarried and have a blended family. Changes in a parenting plan