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Taking The First Steps Toward Divorce

Taking the First Steps toward DivorceMaking the decision to get a divorce is a huge life change. This is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, and it can have a significant impact on the lives of your entire family. For many couples, however, it is the right decision, despite the difficulty. Taking that first step can seem impossible for many different reasons. You may not know what step to take, you may not feel certain it’s the right step, or you may have so many questions that you feel paralyzed. This is all a normal response to such a major life decision. Johnson Mediation can help you take that first step when the time is right, help you define your priorities and goals and then move through the process with less stress.

Make Your Own Decisions About Settling Terms Of Your Divorce

Make Your Own Decisions About Settling Terms Of Your Divorce

Leaving the major decisions about your divorce settlement in the hands of a judge is difficult, stressful and does not always produce the best results for a family. After all, no one knows your family better than you and your ex-spouse. It is next to impossible for a judge to learn about all of the family dynamics, conflict, special circumstances, etc. Mediation allows you to make these important decisions with the help and guidance of a trained and experienced mediator, rather than giving this decision power to the courts

Focusing on your Future after Divorce

Focusing on your Future after DivorceThe divorce process is all consuming and likely is the culmination of many months or years of high conflict and unhappiness. Once you make the decision to divorce, it can be difficult to see past the process, as the divorce process itself can take many months, especially if you go through the courts. Johnson Mediation offers an alternative to this model of a long, drawn-out process. Divorce mediation allows you to see past the divorce process to your future. Focusing on your future and your family, rather than the pain of your past can give you the strength you need to take those final steps through the process.

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Improving Communication In The New Year

Improving Communication In The New YearWe all are guilty of making new year’s resolutions and by the time February rolls around, those resolutions are forgotten. If one of your goals for 2022 is to improve communication with your spouse (or your ex), then consider working with the team at Johnson Mediation. We specialize in divorce mediation and parenting support services that can help families navigate complex and difficult situations with less conflict. We work with couples who have made the difficult decision to divorce, individuals who are co-parenting after a breakup or divorce, or families who are simply trying to make some big decisions about the future. With everything going on around us, schedule changes are huge.

Myths About Divorce

Myths about DivorceFortunately, divorce is something that some people never have to go through and for those that do, you are likely to only go through it once in your life. It is a complicated process that can feel overwhelming and stressful. Each person brings emotional and financial history to the table and there is a lot of misinformation about the process out there that can complicate the picture. Understanding the process can be a helpful step for preparing and being ready for what is next. Here are three of the most common divorce myths and the truth behind them.

Divorce Trends in 2021

Divorce Trends in 2021While every relationship and divorce is unique, there are some noticeable trends that can help you think about your situation and how the process is likely to go. Some of the most obvious trends are related to custody and the divorce process in general, which can be helpful as you move forward with your own divorce. Remember, no one really knows how the pandemic is going to effect school and the work place after we all where locked up and working and learning from home. Having said that, this is the trends we have seen so far in 2021.