Jul 20, 2024 | Comprehensive Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
While it may not even seem possible in your situation, you can reduce the overall conflict between you and your soon to be ex-spouse during the divorce process. There is no doubt that if you have reached the point where divorce is your only option forward, there is likely at least some conflict in your relationship. In fact, you probably assume that this conflict is permanent. However, mediation allows you and your family to navigate your divorce in a healthier way, with the potential of even reducing overall conflict. Divorce mediation takes less time then litigated divorce, and is less expensive.
Jul 10, 2024 | Divorce Mediation
One serious concern about settling a difficult and contentious divorce is how to keep the details of your divorce confidential. After living through the experience, the last thing that you want to do is worry that the intimate details are known by others. Your marriage and your divorce are extremely personal, and it can be painful to relive it in front of just about anyone. Using mediation to resolve the terms of your divorce rather than litigation is an excellent way to keep the details of your divorce confidential. Johnson Mediation can help you navigate your divorce confidentially, to protect you and your family.
Jul 3, 2024 | Child Custody, Child Support, Child Visitation Mediation MN, Co-Parenting, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Coach, Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support, Un-Married Parents Seperating
A toxic divorce can mean different things to different couples. For some, it is characterized by intense conflict, anger and feelings of hostility, feelings of judgement or being married to a narcissist spouse. For many, the conflict can spill into all aspects of your life and make it feel unescapable. If you have decided that it is time to finally take that first step toward divorce, Johnson Mediation can help. Our team has experience reducing the level of conflict surrounding a toxic divorce and can give you the support and resources you need to finally move forward.
Jun 27, 2024 | Comprehensive Mediation, Early Neutral Evaluations, Post Divorce Support
If you and your spouse have decided it is time to take steps to end your marriage, things may be very complicated. Conflict can be extremely high, especially if you and your spouse have been struggling interpersonally for many years and have different opinions about how to move forward. You may assume that your only option is a long, expensive and stressful court battle to settle the terms of your divorce. Before you hire a lawyer, you may want to investigate the option of using divorce mediation to settle your divorce. Jeff Johnson, founder of Johnson Mediation, is available to help you navigate the divorce
Jun 20, 2024 | Child Custody, Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
If your current child-custody agreement no longer works for you as you need it to, you may need to request a child custody modification, and Johnson Mediation can help you accomplish this task. It is very important to keep your child custody agreement up to date.
If you and your ex are finding that since your divorce, situations have changed and you are starting to have tension between the two of you, sit down with a mediator and work things out. It is unrealistic to expect that you will never need to make changes to a child custody agreement.
Jun 9, 2024 | Mediation Questions
Mediation is one Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tool that couples are encouraged to try before beginning the litigation process. Meditation can help you resolve many very important issues, particularly during divorce. You may be wondering whether mediation will work for your unique situation. Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services in Minnesota and can walk you through the process before you begin so that you can decide for sure whether you think it will work for you.
Mediation most often works when the following components are in place:
May 31, 2024 | Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
One of the primary reasons couples decide to divorce is often rooted in conflict. The conflict in your marriage may have increased to a point that it was no longer healthy for either of you to stay married. In fact, conflict and arguing is one of the most common reasons cited for a divorce. It is important to realize, however, that getting a divorce does not automatically eliminate the conflict between you and your ex-spouse. If you find that you are fighting with your ex-spouse after your divorce is final, you might benefit from Johnson Mediation’s post-divorce
May 23, 2024 | Divorce Mediation, Mediation, MN
If you are pursuing a divorce and you are considering using a divorce mediator to bring your marriage to an end, it is natural to ask the question, “Will divorce mediation get me what I deserve?” There are numerous variations on possible responses to the question, but the best responses include your having confidence in the divorce mediator with whom you choose to work. If you do possess confidence in your divorce mediator, you will understand that you have a relationship with an advocate who cares not only about getting you what you deserve, but also ensuring that all people who are affected by your divorce are cared for. Johnson Mediation has earned the confidence of our clients, and we would be honored to earn yours as well.
May 16, 2024 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
If you have made the important but difficult decision to divorce and have decided to pursue mediation to settle the terms, you may be left wondering how to choose the best mediator for your situation. All divorces are different, and you and your soon to be ex-spouse have to make some VERY important decisions. A couple of examples would include, how to fairly separate your joint assets and property, developing a parenting plan that puts your children first and determining whether child or spousal support is needed. Here are some things to look for when…
May 9, 2024 | Divorce Mediation, Post Divorce Support
Litigation is widely known as the traditional divorce process. In fact, many people assume that once you decide to divorce your spouse, you will need to go through the court system in order to settle the terms of your divorce. Fortunately, this is actually not the case. Minnesota courts actually strongly recommend that all couples try a form of an alternative dispute resolution INSTEAD of the traditional divorce process because of long scheduling delays, unnecessary legal expenses and the courts just not being able to keep up with all of the cases.
Alternative dispute resolution can come in many forms, including divorce mediation, neutral evaluations and other support services