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How Do I Know What I’m Agreeing to In My Divorce Agreement is Fair?

Achieving a Fair Divorce Settlement-in-MNWhen you and your spouse got married, likely the last thing on your mind is how you might split your assets, property and time spent with your children if you decide to divorce. You likely lived the majority of your married life with little regard for what belonged to whom. But once you and your partner decide that going your separate ways is the best path forward, your attention suddenly turns to dividing all aspects of your intertwined life together. This is extremely difficult for all involved and it becomes very easy to be concerned about whether what you are agreeing to in the divorce settlement is fair. The team at Johnson Mediation can help you navigate the divorce process and ensure that the settlement you reach is fair, consistent and benefits all involved.

Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation

Pros and Cons of Divorce MediationIf you and your partner have made the very difficult decision to divorce, you may be considering your options for settling all of the important aspects of your separation. Dividing up your shared property and assets (and debts), developing a parenting plan if you share children, and determining whether child and/or spousal support is applicable are key issues to sort out during the divorce process. There are two possible paths to follow – litigation or mediation. Mediation has become a very popular and highly effective tool to settle many divorces around the country.

Non-Married Parents Separating

Divorcing non-marriedAny separation is difficult, but when there’s a child involved and you’re unmarried, it can be particularly stressful and challenging to begin separating from your partner. Especially if you and your former partner are no longer on good speaking terms, or if your only conversations end in heated debate, then you may need someone to help you work through the specifics of your separation, particularly where your child is concerned. At Johnson Mediation, we provide Chanhassen, MN mediation for non-married parents who are separating, helping separated couples reach legally equitable agreements about their parenting time and custody, visitation, child support, and division of property that aids in the rearing of the child.

Carver County Divorce Mediator

Carver County Divorce MediatorDivorce is, in a nutshell, complicated and harrowing. But it doesn’t have to be. Divorce can be as simple and peaceful as you make it as long as you take advantage of the right resources. When you’re going through a divorce, consider the benefits of divorce mediation. It’s less combative than courtroom divorces, and it allows for discussion over arguments. At Johnson Mediation, we’ve made it our business to make sure divorcing couples are able to move forward in the healthiest way possible for everyone involved. Our Carver Country divorce mediators in Chanhassen, MN can help make your divorce quick, affordable, and much less stressful by helping you create a divorce agreement through mediation.

Minnesota Divorce Coaching

Minnesota Divorce CoachingFor some, divorce is one of the hardest things they ever have to do. When you’re going through a divorce, no matter what your feelings may be about the situation, it’s an emotionally draining, financially taxing, and time-consuming process – unless you have help. At Johnson Mediation, we specialize in helping anyone going through a divorce not only get through it as quickly and affordably as possible, but also get through it with a positive outlook for the future. When you work with our Chanhassen divorce coaching expert, you’ll be able to talk through issues regarding the legal divorce process, your own feelings about the divorce, accomplishing your personal goals after your divorce, and more. We want you to feel comfortable and ensure you get exactly the help that’s right for you, so if you’re looking for local divorce coaching to help make your life easier in this trying time, look no further.

Support After Divorce

Support After DivorceThere’s no denying that divorce is tough. And if you’ve been through a divorce, you know that “tough” doesn’t even begin to describe the mental and emotional challenges a divorce can create for everyone, including couples and their children. The most important thing to remember when you’re going through your divorce and transitioning into your new life is that you never have to be alone. There are always people willing to help you – you just have to know where to find them. At Johnson Mediation, we’re not just divorce mediators; we’re divorce support specialists. We help those beginning their lives after divorce actually move forward and create healthy, happy lives. If you’re looking for support after your divorce in Chanhassen, Shorewood or Eden Prairie, MN, we’re here to help in any way you need.