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The Role of a Parenting Time Expeditor

The Role of a Parenting Time ExpeditorParenting after a divorce can be a complex and delicate balancing act. Johnson Mediation recognizes the importance of effective co-parenting and offers a valuable service known as the Parenting Time Expeditor (PTE) to help families navigate potential challenges.

Understanding the Role of a PTE

A Parenting Time Expeditor is a neutral third party who assists divorced or separated parents in resolving disputes related to parenting time

Parenting Time Support Services In 2022

Parenting Time Support Services In 2022Of all of the issues to resolve as part of your divorce, deciding how your children will split their time between parents is likely the most challenging. When you are all living under one roof, you are used to being part of every moment, every bedtime, every day of school, every small decision. When you and your spouse separate and begin the divorce process, this family dynamic shifts dramatically and can take an emotional toll on your entire family. Divorce mediation is an excellent way to determine a custody agreement and/or parenting plan

Parenting Consultant Can Help Parents Follow Court Orders

Parenting Consultant Can Help Parents Follow Court OrdersSharing custody of children can be one of the most difficult transitions after a divorce. You and your spouse are very likely both used to seeing your children each and every day. Sharing custody means that your kids spend some portion of their time with you and some portion of their time with your ex. Navigating custody agreements and court orders are a challenge for many couples.

A parenting consultant may be able to help you resolve issues surrounding parenting time, disciplinary issues, parenting styles, scheduling conflicts and issues with school

Individual Parent Divorce Support

Individual Parent Divorce SupportFor most people the process of getting divorced is physically and emotionally draining. The financial costs associated with a typical divorce compound the stress and anxiety even more. Parents in particular can be left feeling exhausted and confused about which way to turn for help. The court system views the dissolution of marriage to be a legal issue but it is so much more than that. Unfortunately, the emotional, financial and physical aspects of raising a child can be left unresolved without proper support from a professional mediator

Parenting Consulting

Parenting ConsultingIt is often said that parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs that anybody can have. Children do not come with a manual. If they did, there may be a thick chapter devoted to parenting after divorce. Spouses are often at their worst during the divorce process and may be unable to see how the upheaval, stress and tension is affecting the children. Parenting consulting is used to make sure that the best interest of the child is forefront in decisions. A parenting consultant may be chosen by the parents and appointed by the court.

Parenting Time Expeditor Minnetonka, Minnesota

Parenting Time Expeditor Minnetonka, MinnesotaParenting Time can be a contentious issue in divorce. If parenting time is mediated by a team like Johnson Mediation, you may find yourself feeling a sense of relief you did not know was possible during and after your divorce. The role of a parenting time expeditor is to help you and your divorcing spouse find the right balance of time spent with your children. Johnson Mediation’s approach to parenting time has helped many clients, and we are confident that it will help you.

Divorce is difficult. And when you have children, divorce is potentially devastatingly hard. Children are vulnerable to the emotional stress that accompanies the major change that divorce brings.