Dec 14, 2023 | Child Custody, Child Support, Children & Divorce
If you are in the midst of the divorce process and share kids with your ex, you may be wondering how to manage the holiday season and help your kids enjoy it and feel supported and loved. The divorce process can span several months, so many families are in the midst of a major life change this holiday season. Here are some tips for managing the stress of divorce during the holidays, the change, the newness and the uncertainty:
1. Plan: The holidays are not a time for last minute plans.
Dec 7, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
Did you know that January is known to be the busiest month for divorces in our country? Whether this is related to new year’s resolutions, a new tax year, the intense stress of the holiday season, or simply looking for a fresh start, the new year marks the end of marriage, and a fresh start for many. If this is something that you are considering in the days and weeks leading up to January, you may want to spend some time preparing for this possibility for you and your family. Here are some tips for small things you can do now that will help you in the new year.
Nov 30, 2023 | Child Support, Divorce Coaching, Divorce Mediation
Even though you may believe that divorce is what is best for your family, you may still be filled with emotion about the loss, the impact on your family and the overall circumstances. In terms of navigating divorce, you must deal with the logistical, financial and emotional impact of this massive change in your life. If you decide to have a mediated divorce, you may have access to more professional support for your emotion than you expect. While a divorce mediator does not make decisions about your case, your mediator can provide answers to your questions, guidance about Minnesota law and a personal
Nov 23, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota
If you live in the state of Minnesota and are considering a divorce, you should spend some time learning about Minnesota divorce law so that you can navigate the process as easily as possible. Here are a few facts about Minnesota law that can help you as you move forward:
1. Minnesota is a no-fault divorce state: In the state of Minnesota, you do not have to establish fault when you ask for a divorce. This means that the reason that you have decided to get a divorce does not play a part in the decision to grant the divorce.
Nov 16, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
Johnson Mediation offers a wide variety of resolution and mediation services for families in Minnesota that are navigating the divorce process. Alternative dispute resolution processes are highly effective, affordable and can lay the groundwork for a more positive relationship after divorce. The courts are extremely busy and cannot accommodate each and every divorce case. So, they actually require all couples to attempt an alternative dispute method before litigation (unless there are concerns about domestic violence. Here are some of the services we provide to families in the area
Nov 9, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Mediation Questions, Online Mediation
When you decide to use divorce mediation to resolve the terms of your divorce, it is critically important to understand the role of the mediator. A mediator is not like a judge in a divorce case. While a judge hears both sides of a legal argument and makes a determination. Mediation is entirely voluntary, and a mediator does not render a verdict in your case. Instead, your mediator will facilitate a series of discussions that will empower the two parties to come to a decision together. Here are some key elements of the role of a mediator when it comes to the divorce process
Nov 2, 2023 | Child Custody, Children & Divorce, Co-Parenting
When you and your spouse divorce and you have kids, one of the main points of stress is how to develop a parenting plan and/or a custody agreement. Your children did not make the decision to divorce yet their lives are significantly impacted by this change. You may be wondering how to approach the custody process in a way that keeps your children’s best interest at the center of these decisions. Johnson Mediation is an experienced mediation company that specializes in helping families navigate the divorce process with a child-focused approach, conserving financial resources and reducing overall conflict.
Oct 26, 2023 | Co-Parenting, Parenting Coach, Post Divorce Support
Whether it is your first holiday season after divorce, or your 10th, if you share children, the holidays can cause stress for the entire family. Juggling custody issues, family gatherings, school functions and other holiday stress can make the season extremely difficult to navigate. As this holiday season approaches, here are some strategies that can make co-parenting around the holidays a little easier.
1. Make plans with your ex ahead of time: Planning ahead can make the holidays much easier on everyone. When you discuss and agree
Oct 19, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Post Divorce Support
You may feel extreme relief when you sign your divorce papers. Your marriage is officially over, and you can move forward with your life. There is no doubt that a divorce marks the end of one important part of your life and the beginning of a new chapter. However, it may be helpful to realize that all contact does not stop when you sign your divorce papers – especially if you share children and are co-parenting. Raising kids is something that you and your ex will have to navigate long after your divorce is final. You may have outlined the best possible and most amicable divorce agreement, but in all likelihood, there will
Oct 12, 2023 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation
When you decide to divorce and share children, property, assets, debt and emotional baggage, the idea of resolving these issues in a productive way can seem impossible. You may have spent many years married and never even considered how you might divide your lives up, should that need to happen. But yet, here you are. Facing a divorce – a complicated divorce. You may assume that you must hire an attorney and move toward litigation to untangle some of the issues between you. Fortunately, for you and your family, litigation is not the only way to resolve the terms of a complicated divorce.