Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Alternatives to Traditional Divorce ProcessLitigation is widely known as the traditional divorce process. In fact, many people assume that once you decide to divorce your spouse, you will need to go through the court system in order to settle the terms of your divorce. Fortunately, this is actually not the case. Minnesota courts actually strongly recommend that all couples try a form of an alternative dispute resolution INSTEAD of the traditional divorce process because of long scheduling delays, unnecessary legal expenses and the courts just not being able to keep up with all of the cases.

What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Alternative dispute resolution can come in many forms, including divorce mediation, neutral evaluations and other support services that can help you and your ex come to fair and balanced decisions about your divorce. Mediation is a highly effective tool for settling the terms of your divorce including dividing your joint property, assets and debt, creating a parenting plan that outlines how your children will spend their time and even whether or not to consider spousal maintenance and/or child support payments in your individual case.

If you are interested in pursuing alternative dispute resolution resources in Minnesota, Johnson Mediation can help. We offer divorce mediation, divorce coaching, early neutral evaluations, parenting consulting and parenting time expeditor services as well as post-divorce support. We can provide you with the guidance, resources and support that you need to navigate the divorce process from start to finish with less of a financial burden on your family. These options can also reduce stress, reduce conflict in your family and illustrate to your kids that you can resolve conflict. Alternative dispute resolution options like mediation also take less time than traditional litigation.

Minnesota Divorce Mediation Services

Johnson Mediation offers all of our services virtually so we can eliminate the stress of scheduling and seeing your ex in person if that is an issue for you. Our team has extensive experience and knowledge about Minnesota divorce law. In fact, our founder, Jeff Johnson, has personal experience with a difficult divorce and brings that perspective to his work.

If you have made the difficult decision that divorce is ahead for you and your family, follow the advice of the courts and seek information on alternative dispute resolution, mediation or other services that allow you to settle issues related to parenting decisions yourself, rather than going through the traditional court system. For more information or to schedule a time for a free consultation, give us a call at 952-401-7599.