Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Contested Divorce

Divorce MediatorJohnson Mediation serves the communities of Chanhassen, Bloomington, Richfield, and many others in Minnesota. Not only is our staff expert in divorce mediation, we are qualified to answer questions and provide advice to clients based on the specifics of Minnesota divorce law. Moreover, Johnson Mediation can help you with both contested and uncontested divorce procedures. Our team will represent your interests before, during, and after your divorce, keeping your family and your future our primary focus.

Most of us go into our marriages without ever thinking they will end in divorce, so when the realities of divorce hit us, we can be caught off guard and thrown for a loop. If you are in such a situation, you should know more about the terms you’re dealing with, starting with the differences between contested divorce and uncontested divorce.

Partner Separation Mediator

Divorce Help for PartnersWhat is couple mediation? The parties negotiate directly with one another under the direct supervision and guidance of a mediator. The mediator creates an environment where the parties can sit together to discuss settlement options. The mediator establishes ground rules for effective communication so that an argument turns into a problem-solving discussion. Even though emotions may run high, the mediator keeps the parties focused and moving forward to resolution of the issues.