Oct 12, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Spousal Support
Spousal support is a financial agreement reached either by a court proceeding or by mutual consent of the couple in the process of divorce. In the latter case, mutual consent generally occurs when a divorcing couple works with a divorce mediator, like our staff at Johnson Mediation. More and more couples are choosing divorce mediation instead of the more traditional approach of working through the court system with lawyers representing each person. The court system tends to be more expensive and time-consuming, and much less convenient for the people seeking divorce and resolution about issues of spousal and/or child support payments. If you and your spouse are able to work together, these issues may well become simpler to resolve.
Oct 7, 2017 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Neutral Mediator
How do you know if you need a divorce coach? If you’re going through a divorce and finding it difficult to navigate the complex web of emotions, logistics, stress of keeping other parts of your life in order, then the chances are good that you could benefit from our Divorce Coaching service. Johnson Mediation offers divorce coaching for individuals who need support because a partner is not supportive or for those who may need help navigating the difficulty around the process.
Sep 27, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Parenting Specialist, Parenting Time
The Social Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) process is designed to evaluate the ability of two people involved in a divorce proceed to resolve their disagreements over child custody and parenting time. We at Johnson Mediation, located in Chanhassen, MN, but also serving Shakopee and many other communities in the state, provide Social Early Neutral Evaluations for divorcing couples who could benefit from determining their ability to resolve such issues.
The Social Early Neutral Evaluation process is designed to be a short-term process and to be completely confidential. It usually requires about one month, from start to finish. Typically, a team consisting of one male and one female, one a mediator and one a representative from Family Court Services, evaluates issues between the divorcing parents and then provides feedback to the divorcing couple.
Sep 24, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediation, Mediation
Mediation is a way to settle all types of disagreements, disputes and problems with minimal conflict and resources expended. A trained mediator serves as a neutral third party who will quickly get up to speed on the issues at hand and help you prioritize the goals for resolution. It is important to understand that a mediator is not a decider, so if you decide to pursue mediation as a mechanism for settling a problem, you and the other party will be empowered to come to the decisions, with the discussion and resolution facilitated by the mediator. Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services to those living in the Chanhassen and Shakopee, MN, area with a specific focus on helping you and your family through the entire divorce process, from start to finish.
Sep 23, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediation, Mediation
Determining child support during your divorce can be difficult, painful, and arduous, and can get highly contentious in certain circumstances. Using mediation to resolve issues like child support can expedite the process and reduce the overall conflict. The team at Johnson Mediation focuses on helping you and your family navigate divorce and move forward in a positive and healthy way. We offer you and your family excellent care and expert mediation at all stages of your divorce.
Sep 8, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediation, Early Neutral Evaluations, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator, Parenting Specialist, Parenting Time, Partner Separation Mediator, Uncategorized
Johnson Mediation serves parents of divorce who are trying to find the most effective way to manage the time they spend with their children. Our team provides a wide variety of parenting support services to those living in the communities of Chanhassen, Bloomington, and Richfield, MN, with the goal of helping couples solve difficult parenting issues that arise during and after divorce, without having to go to the court system. One such service is a Parenting Time Expeditor. According to Minnesota statute 518.1705, the goal of a Parenting Time Expeditor is to assist divorcing or divorced couples with issues involving their children, specifically surrounding parenting time, which is also often referred to as visitation.