Mar 10, 2020 | Early Neutral Evaluations, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
Johnson Mediation is one of the South Metro area’s most experienced Early Neutral Divorce Evaluators. If you are experiencing intense conflict in your impending divorce case, it could be an indicator of even more intense conflict to come. In such cases, working closely with an Early Neutral Divorce Evaluator can be extremely helpful. Divorce is not always characterized by extreme emotions and financial complications, but if your divorce is shaping up to be this way, we recommend contacting Johnson Mediation so that we can help you.
Jan 27, 2020 | Early Neutral Evaluations, Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator
If you are moving through the divorce process and are not sure that you want to go through the traditional court system, you may want to consider completing an early neutral evaluation to get a sense of all of the facts in your case and how your case might be interpreted. There are two types of early neutral evaluations – financial early neutral evaluations and social early neutral evaluations. Jeff Johnson of Johnson Mediation is a male early neutral evaluation specialist in Minnetonka, MN who can guide you through the process in a productive way. Jeff has been through divorce himself and has devoted his career to helping couples navigate this complicated process.
A financial early neutral evaluation can help you settle the terms of your divorce related to dividing your assets and joint property. In many cases, once all information is shared with the other, resolution can be reached without ever setting foot into a courtroom. A financial early neutral evaluation is completely voluntary and can really only help you. If it works, you can complete an agreement that will be a part of your divorce settlement process.
Apr 11, 2019 | Early Neutral Evaluations, Mediation, Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE)
Mediation and Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) are two different types of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), which are used to help resolve difficult issues between two parties. Both of these tools are used to resolve disputes, disagreements or conflict without having to go through the full litigation process. The professional staff at Johnson Mediation can assist with either alternative dispute resolution method, depending on what is best for your unique situation.
Apr 9, 2019 | Early Neutral Evaluations, Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE)
Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) is a dispute resolution process employed by a qualified divorce mediator to help resolve issues between divorcing partners. The issues most often considered in the early neutral evaluation process relate to financial matters (financial early neutral evaluation) and/or social matters (social early neutral evaluation). Johnson Mediation is a leading provider of early neutral evaluation process in Minnesota.
Johnson Mediation’s strong reputation for excellence in the area of divorce mediation services is due in part to our expertise in providing early neutral evaluation services.
Oct 16, 2018 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Early Neutral Evaluations, Mediation
Not all marriage vows end in happily ever after. The reality is that many marriages end in divorce. The way in which a couple decides to proceed through the divorce process can have a lasting impact on the family, including the children. Litigating dissolution of marriage inside of a courtroom is not the only option. Divorce mediation can lessen the discourse, cost and time it takes to reach a final resolution. Most Minnesota judges encourage couples to consider mediation as an alternative dispute resolution process. This allows individuals to take charge of their own divorce process and…
Jun 5, 2018 | Chanhassen MN, Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Mediation, Early Neutral Evaluations, Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE)
Divorce is difficult for all involved – and when there are children involved this difficulty is compounded. Often, when custody issues cannot be resolved easily, a judge may decide to refer the case for what is called a Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) process that is a confidential and relatively quick way to resolve the custody dispute. This process uses two professionals, generally one man and one woman. One of the professionals is a lawyer and the other a child specialist. Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services and can complete a Social Early Neutral Evaluation when requested by the court system.