Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Is My Marriage Over?

Is My Marriage Over?Only you and your spouse can truly decide if your marriage is over. Couples make the difficult decision to divorce for many different reasons and no one can truly tell you whether your marriage is really over but you. Deciding to divorce is a major life decision that impacts every member of your family so it should not be taken lightly. Divorce is a choice – and staying together is as well. You have the power to make that choice and it is important that you spend time thinking about all of the consequences for separating and staying together. If you have been considering divorce, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you

Is Divorce Mediation Effective When Conflict Is High

Is Divorce Mediation Effective When Conflict Is HighEvery relationship is different, and every divorce is different. Some relationships have extremely high conflict and that is the primary reason for the separation. If this applies to you, you may assume that your only option to settle the terms of your divorce is to hire a lawyer and fight it out in the courts. You may be surprised to learn that mediation is another option for couples is divorce mediation. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation services for couples with even the most difficult and longstanding conflict

How Has The Divorce Process Changed During COVID?

How Has The Divorce Process Changed During COVIDCOVID-19 has impacted all aspects of our daily life. The changes are too numerous to count for most of us. If you and your spouse have decided that your marriage is over, you might feel uncertain about how to proceed with the divorce process, given the pandemic, family stress and concerns about contracting the virus. In fact, many couples report feeling stuck or frozen during this time, concerned about how to make a big change during such an extraordinary time. Johnson Mediation can guide you through the divorce process during COVID-19. We understand how stressful thinking about a divorce during the pandemic is for many couples

Online Divorce Coaching

Online Divorce CoachingNavigating a divorce is extremely difficult, even during normal times. However, the events of the recent months have made navigating daily life more complicated and this is impacting our relationships and our ability to problem solve and move forward. Johnson Mediation is offering virtual divorce coaching for those who are looking for individualized support from a professional. No need to meet in person. Everything is accomplished on Zoom in the comfort of your own space.

Here are some of the most common issues our divorce coach can help you with:

Holidays and Divorce

Holidays and DivorceIf you went through a divorce over the last year, you may be absolutely dreading the upcoming holiday season. In addition to the major life change you and your family have experienced, you must also find ways to be socially distant from family and friends and wear masks to stop the spread of COVID19. The holidays can be difficult and overwhelming normally, but this year will be especially strained. The team at Johnson Mediation is ready to help you get through this holiday season in a healthy way. We offer divorce support services that can ensure that you have plans in place that work

Post-Divorce Support Services

Post-Divorce SupportWhen you navigate your divorce and settle the terms, it is easy to think that that difficult and painful chapter of your life is over. For many, however, it is difficult to come to terms emotionally with the loss of this significant relationship. In addition, other logistical issues can also come up even after a divorce is final that stir up that conflict you thought was in the past. Johnson Mediation can provide you with support after your divorce so you can continue your positive