Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Co-Parenting Support Services

Co-Parenting Support ServicesWhen you got married and had children, did you ever give a single thought to what it might be like to co-parent your kids with your spouse? Most parents who are in a committed relationship do not give that much (if any thought) and assume that they will raise their children together. However, as time passes, conflict and tension rise and some couples decide that a divorce is the best option for their family. When you separate or divorce, it feels as though your role as parents changes dramatically. Instead of making joint decisions and living all together in the same home, you forge your path in two different homes

Suggestions For Life After Divorce

Suggestions For Life After DivorceIf you have recently been through a divorce, you may be left with your finalized divorce papers, wondering – what now? The truth is that when a relationship fails and you go through the divorce process, it is very difficult to think about your future. But the reality is, your life has changed significantly. You may have more time on your hands, or you may have less time on your hands, your financial situation may look very different, you may feel like you are mourning a loss of a significant relationship. Another big change if you have children is sharing co-parenting responsibilities. You will realize quickly

Comprehensive Mediation Resources in Minnesota

Comprehensive Mediation Resources in MinnesotaDivorce is one of those things that you hope never to have to navigate. However, many of us end up realizing that our marriage cannot move forward in a healthy way, so divorce becomes an unfortunate reality. The divorce process itself is unfamiliar and can be overwhelming and extremely stressful. It is certainly not something you would ever want to become an expert on. Over the last decade or two, divorce mediation has become a more popular option for resolving the terms of a divorce because it is less expensive and takes less time than litigation. In addition, it gives the couple the chance to make decisions for their own family, rather than putting that power in…

Prioritizing Your Kids During Divorce

Prioritizing Your Kids During DivorceWhen you think about your family and your life, most adults will say that their children are the most important thing in your entire world. If you are under any type of stress–work, financial or interpersonal, you work hard to protect your kids from the pain. As you might expect, couples who are struggling in their marriage and contemplating divorce, tend to worry most about the impact on their children. Johnson Mediation can help you navigate divorce while prioritizing the mental health and wellbeing of your kids. Choosing divorce mediation instead of litigation

Post Divorce Support Services

Post Divorce Support ServicesEven when we know that it is in our best interest to end our marriage, and maybe even especially when our marriage ends on good terms with our spouse, life after divorce can be much more difficult than we expect. Johnson Mediation understands the complex emotions and practical matters that occur in so many people following their divorce, and as a result, we offer our expertise in the form of post-divorce support.

Whether a marriage is healthy or unhealthy, stable or unstable, meant to last or on its last legs, what all marriages have in common are patterns

What Should I Know About Divorce In Minnesota?

What Should I Know About Divorce In MinnesotaThe divorce process is different depending on the state where you live. Minnesota has what is known as a “no-fault divorce law”, which means that the court does not take into consideration the reasons why you are divorcing your spouse. You do not need your spouse’s consent to file for divorce and the courts do not consider the reason you are divorce when deciding whether to grant the divorce. In order to get a divorce in our state, you simply have to have lived in the state for 180 days before the divorce proceedings begin and show that there is no hope for reconciliation. Another thing to remember