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Reducing Emotional Toll Of Divorce On Your FamilyDeciding to divorce is more than a decision to make a logistical change in your life. For many couples, it represents a personal loss and can elicit emotions like regret, sadness, and disappointment. These emotions impact the two individuals in the marriage but also have an effect on the children from the marriage as well. There are strategies for reducing the emotional toll of a divorce on a family and the team at Johnson Mediation can help you find your way forward while you and your family heal.

Strategies For Navigating Divorce With Less Stress

When you decided to get married, your future was filled with all kinds of hopes and dreams for your life together. When you realize that reality is very different from this dream, you can feel a huge sense of loss. Realizing that you have some control over how your marriage ends and how you will settle the terms of your divorce can reduce the emotional stress you are under and allow you to see a path forward on your own terms. Mediation is an excellent way to manage the details of your divorce, have input into the decisions that affect your family and move forward quickly so that you can move on with your life.

Can A Mediated Divorce Reduce Emotional Stress?

When you choose a mediated divorce, you are also showing your children that you are capable of handling conflict and can work with your ex on important issues like child custody, division of joint property and the need for spousal maintenance. In most cases, a mediated divorce yields results that are more likely to be successful in the long term. This is in large part because you have a say in them and can shape the outcome in a way that is best for your family. When you put your energy into the mediation process, you can begin to look forward to your future, rather than focusing on the pain and conflict that defined your marriage. Other strategies for reducing the emotional toll of a divorce are to stay active, practice self-care, enlist support from your friends and loved ones, avoid talking negatively about your ex in front of or to your kids, and talk openly with your kids about the changes that your family is making.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of mediation over a traditional court battle, call the team at Johnson Mediation at 952-401-7599 to schedule a time for a free consultation.