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How Do I Help My Kids Adjust to our Divorce?

How Do I Help My Kids Adjust to our Divorce? - Divorce Support MNA divorce does not just impact the two adults in a relationship. If you have children, they feel the impact as well. Helping your children adjust to the idea of the divorce and then the major life changes that follow is a huge part of the transition process for many couples. Your children know you and your spouse well, so trying to hide things and tell them things that are simply not true are going to make them feel unsure and vulnerable. Be honest about what is happening, what it means for them and that you will love them the same no matter what.

Is My Marriage Over?

Is My Marriage Over?Only you and your spouse can truly decide if your marriage is over. Couples make the difficult decision to divorce for many different reasons and no one can truly tell you whether your marriage is really over but you. Deciding to divorce is a major life decision that impacts every member of your family so it should not be taken lightly. Divorce is a choice – and staying together is as well. You have the power to make that choice and it is important that you spend time thinking about all of the consequences for separating and staying together. If you have been considering divorce, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you

Understanding Divorce Trends During COVID-19

Understanding Divorce Trends During COVID-19It is too early to know where the national statistics for divorce will land during the COVID-19 pandemic. First reports seem somewhat mixed. While many lawyers and mediators are reporting more inquiries and consultations for their services, early data is also showing that actual divorce rates may be trending downward. Some factors that might be playing into this potential discrepancy are:

1. Flexibility: Individuals want flexibility and control where they can get it: Mediation services are highly sought after during the pandemic because you can work through legal issues without ever setting foot in a courtroom

Divorce Mediation Free Consultation Offering

Divorce Mediation Free Consultation OfferingIf you and your spouse have been thinking about whether divorce is the best next step for you and your family, you are not alone. The decision to divorce is not one that is taken lightly. In fact, most couples spend weeks, months or even years trying to decide if it is the best path forward. It marks a huge change in the life of a family, one that can have many consequences (both negative and positive) for adults and children. If you are considering divorce but are unsure how best to move forward and navigate the process, you may want to consider a free consultation with a mediator. A mediator can explain

Should We try Mediation Before Litigation to Settle Our Divorce?

Should We try Mediation Before Litigation to Settle Our DivorceOne of the most common questions we get when we talk to prospective clients is whether they should consider mediation or go through the court system to settle the terms of their divorce. When people think about a traditional divorce, divorce lawyers, a courtroom and a judge generally come to mind. That is a very dated vision of how divorce really works these days. In fact, you should know that the Minnesota courts actually encourage couples to try mediation before proceeding through the courts. This may surprise you, but it is truly beneficial for all involved. Johnson Mediation can help you navigate the divorce process from start to finish

Minnesota Divorce Mediation Services

Divorce Mediation Versus LitigationThe stressful times through which we are living right now are unique in many ways. We are working our way through a once-in-a-century pandemic and a wide variety of social issues that have created challenges, struggles and difficulty. But while the times we are in now bring new and unfamiliar challenges, there are also stressful aspects of our world that remain constant. One of them is that, despite these times, people are still affected by divorce. Johnson Mediation may not be able to do much about the pandemic, but we are highly trained professionals who have helped many couples find resolution to the conflict in their marriages before and during this Pandemic.

It seems true that as long as marriage remains a core element of our society, so too will divorce. Because divorce is a part of our society, the need for available assistance and support from trained professionals will be needed. The time-honored traditional means of finalizing a divorce in the courtroom are slowly being