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When Does Mediation Work?

Helpful Tips to get Mediation to Work for YouMediation is one Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tool that couples are encouraged to try before beginning the litigation process. Meditation can help you resolve many very important issues, particularly during divorce. You may be wondering whether mediation will work for your unique situation. Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services in Minnesota and can walk you through the process before you begin so that you can decide for sure whether you think it will work for you.

Mediation most often works when the following components are in place:

Fighting with my Ex-Spouse after Divorce

Fighting with my Ex-Spouse after DivorceOne of the primary reasons couples decide to divorce is often rooted in conflict. The conflict in your marriage may have increased to a point that it was no longer healthy for either of you to stay married. In fact, conflict and arguing is one of the most common reasons cited for a divorce. It is important to realize, however, that getting a divorce does not automatically eliminate the conflict between you and your ex-spouse. If you find that you are fighting with your ex-spouse after your divorce is final, you might benefit from Johnson Mediation’s post-divorce

Create Your Divorce Mediation Plan

Create Your Divorce Mediation PlanMediation is an ideal tool to resolve the terms of your divorce and allow your family to move forward in the most positive and healthy way possible. Mediation has many benefits over litigation including a significantly lower cost, less time required, faster outcome and a better chance for long term success. Mediation empowers both parties to negotiate from equal positions, find common ground and illustrate to the children that compromise is possible. Mediation works well even for divorces with high conflict and the court system also encourages all couples to try it before going through the court system.

Benefits of a Divorce Mediation Consultation

Benefits of a Divorce Mediation ConsultationHiring a divorce mediator is a really important decision as you move ahead with your separation and divorce. A divorce mediator can help you settle the terms of your divorce, including developing your parenting plan, dividing your joint property, and deciding whether you need to think about spousal maintenance or child support. It is critical to establish a strong connection with your mediator and feel like you can be open and honest and ask the questions that are on your mind. Your mediator’s primary goal is to help you find common ground with your ex in order to find a path forward to your future

Is Divorce Mediation Faster than Litigation?

Is Divorce Mediation Faster than LitigationThe divorce process is complicated and if you hire lawyers and go through the court system, you can easily expect it to take many months to resolve. You must work around the schedule of your attorneys as well as the judge and even the courtroom. The average divorce that is litigated can take anywhere between six to twenty-four months to complete. That means that your family may be in limbo for an extended period, which can take a huge emotional toll on you and your family, especially if you share kids.

Agreeing on a Divorce Mediator

Agreeing on a Divorce MediatorYou may have heard about the many benefits of using divorce mediation to settle the terms of your divorce. It is affordable, saves you money, takes less time than a court battle, is entirely confidential and allows you and your ex to shape your own future. It is important, however, not to underestimate how important it is to find the right mediator for you. Mediation only works if both parties voluntarily agree to participate, and the resolution is only successful if both parties really buy in. While your mediator does not decide how to settle your case, he/she serves as an incredibly important role in the process. Jeff Johnson, founder of Johnson Mediation, is a trusted and capable mediator that brings both extraordinary skill and personal experience with divorce to each case he works on.