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Facts About Minnesota Divorce Law

Facts About Minnesota Divorce LawWhen it comes to the legal divorce process, every state is a bit different. It is important to understand the divorce law in your state so that you can plan accordingly and make informed decisions. Minnesota is a no-fault state, meaning that you do not have to establish that your spouse did something wrong in order to qualify for divorce. You can simply state that you have an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage. This is important because it means that a divorce will be approved even if only one party wants it. In addition, as a no-fault state, the court does not make decisions about custody, division of property or spousal maintenance based on whether one spouse was at fault in the dissolution of the marriage.

Also, in Minnesota, you do not need to be legally separated

Can Divorce Mediation Work In An Adversarial Divorce?

Can Divorce Mediation Work In An Adversarial Divorce?The Minnesota court system recommends that all couples attempt mediation or another alternative dispute resolution technique before going through the court system. Some couples will be extremely amicable and other couples may have significant conflict and adversarial communication. Mediation can be effective no matter what level of conflict you and your spouse have. A trained and qualified mediator can find common ground with all kinds of couples in all types of situations.

Emotions can be very high leading up to a divorce and litigation can actually fuel these emotions even further.

5 Steps To Begin The Divorce Process

5 Steps To Begin The Divorce ProcessMost difficult things are hard from beginning to end. Divorce certainly follows that logic. There is nothing easy about divorce. It is difficult on every member of the family financially, emotionally and can cause conflict, anger, distress and great sadness. The decision to divorce often takes a significant amount of time to make. For some couples this is directly related to the perceived difficulty of the divorce process. Johnson Mediation offers support for the divorce process. You do not have to manage it on your own. While we cannot make it “easy”, our staff can minimize the financial impact on your family

Things To Consider As You Choose Your Divorce Mediator

Things To Consider As You Choose Your Divorce MediatorWhen you are looking for a mediator to help guide you through the divorce process and facilitate discussion about important issues, you need to find someone you can trust and can open up to. Being able to connect with your mediator, building trust so that you can communicate openly and honestly is truly the foundation of the mediation process. In order to help you find a mediator that will truly be a good fit for you, your ex and your unique situation, our staff at Johnson Mediation offers free divorce mediation consultations to our potential clients.

In our consultation, you can share information about your situation, what brought you to the decision to divorce, what your goals are

Downsides Of The Traditional Divorce Process

Downsides Of The Traditional Divorce ProcessThe traditional divorce process pits you and your ex against each other, with opposing lawyers trying to outmaneuver the other. For many divorcing couples, the traditional court process means more conflict, more stress (both financial and emotional) and fewer opportunities to work toward a common goal keeping your family first. The team at Johnson Mediation works with couples in Minnesota to offer an alternative to the traditional divorce process. Here are a few of the downsides to the traditional divorce process:

How To Prepare For Divorce In 2023

How To Prepare For Divorce In 2023Generally, the early part of the year is a common time to begin the divorce process. Whether you have already started the process or are contemplating taking that first step, preparing for what is to come is crucial for you and your family. There are legal, financial and emotional aspects of the process that will have a significant impact. The more you know now, the better prepared you will be. Here are some things you can learn about now that will help you prepare for a divorce in 2023:

1. Divorce law in Minnesota: Minnesota is known as a “no fault” divorce state. That means that you do not have to prove that one party did anything wrong in order to be granted a divorce. So, if one party wants the divorce and the other does not, a divorce will be granted. This also means that “fault” is not considered when deciding issues around the divorce.
2. Do I have to hire an attorney?