Nov 10, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Mediation Questions
You may already know that the Minnesota court system recommends that all couples try mediation to resolve the terms of a divorce before attempting litigation. You may wonder why that is the recommendation. Mediation is less expensive and takes less time than litigation and that is certainly part of the reason. What you might not be aware of is just how successful mediation is. Mediation can be more than 85% effective in divorce cases, even when child custody is a factor. Both parties are often more satisfied with the outcome and the results are more long lasting. That is a very high success rate, especially given that many couples enter the divorce process with…
Nov 3, 2022 | Children & Divorce, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation
Divorce is one of those things that you hope never to have to navigate. However, many of us end up realizing that our marriage cannot move forward in a healthy way, so divorce becomes an unfortunate reality. The divorce process itself is unfamiliar and can be overwhelming and extremely stressful. It is certainly not something you would ever want to become an expert on. Over the last decade or two, divorce mediation has become a more popular option for resolving the terms of a divorce because it is less expensive and takes less time than litigation. In addition, it gives the couple the chance to make decisions for their own family, rather than putting that power in…
Oct 22, 2022 | Divorce Mediation
When it comes to divorce, you must make some decisions to get the process started. One of those decisions is whether to go through the traditional court system for divorce or to attempt a mediated divorce. In addition to the many benefits of mediation, the Minnesota court system also recommends that all couples try divorce mediation first before proceeding through the courts. Choosing your mediator becomes your next major decision in terms of navigating the divorce process. Here are some important factors to consider as you make this important decision.
Oct 15, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Neutral Mediator
Once you have made the decision to divorce, many couples think that the process cannot move fast enough. In the state of Minnesota, a divorce can take as few as 4-8 weeks. Minnesota is a “no-fault” state so you will be granted a divorce as long as one of the parties request one. A divorce is granted without any consideration of wrongdoing, but that can factor in when determining the financial settlement. Either you or your spouse is required to have lived in the state for 6 months before your divorce can be granted in Minnesota. Divorce mediation allows you to complete the entire divorce process in a shorter amount of time, without waiting on the schedule of lawyers or the court
Oct 1, 2022 | Divorce Mediation
The idea of navigating a divorce can be overwhelming. Every couple out there needs support to be able to get through the process in an even somewhat healthy way. Johnson Mediation focuses on helping couples just like you take the necessary steps to finalize your divorce, without an undue financial or emotional burden. We can guide you through the process, step by step, with the goal of making it easier and less stressful than litigation. Here are a few of the key steps that we can help you with:
1. Communication: Communication with your ex during the divorce process can be the cause of significant stress. Our team can provide you with tools, resources and strategies for positive and productive
Sep 17, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Online Mediation
Mediation has always been a highly effective and efficient way to resolve the terms of your divorce without the stress and expense of a court battle. In fact, in the state of Minnesota, mediation has always been a recommended way of resolving issues like division of property, child custody and child/spousal support. Even in normal times, the court system cannot accommodate all of the divorce cases in a timely manner. Over the last few years, however, with the emergence of COVID-19, it has become even more difficult to schedule court dates for divorce proceedings. As a result, mediators have adapted