Jul 15, 2022 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Neutral Mediator
The stress of the times we are now living through may make us think that our world is no longer capable of innovation or improvement. Our patience has worn thin with bad customer service, and many customer service professionals have lost patience with customers who seem intent on picking a fight with them. Life just seems harder for most of us these days, and that is perhaps even more starkly true for couples who have decided that they have no other choice but to proceed through the divorce process. Fortunately for couples who live in Minnesota, divorce mediation represents a notable exception to the idea that innovation and improvement is a lost art in our country. Johnson Mediation provides divorce mediation services, and some relief, for couples who have decided to divorce.
May 26, 2022 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Post Divorce Support
The divorce process is all consuming and likely is the culmination of many months or years of high conflict and unhappiness. Once you make the decision to divorce, it can be difficult to see past the process, as the divorce process itself can take many months, especially if you go through the courts. Johnson Mediation offers an alternative to this model of a long, drawn-out process. Divorce mediation allows you to see past the divorce process to your future. Focusing on your future and your family, rather than the pain of your past can give you the strength you need to take those final steps through the process.
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Apr 14, 2022 | Comprehensive Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
There are countless divorce statistics that you can find online if you do a quick search: Nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce. Over 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Based on data from the US Census, both marriages and divorces are down in the US. Nevada has the highest divorce rate and Illinois has the lowest divorce rate among US states
But statistics are not always that useful – they can show trends, but certainly do not represent an individual situation. Statisticians gather and measure data about a certain thing and analyze
Nov 9, 2021 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation Questions
The length of the divorce process varies widely. Because every divorce is unique and filled with individual issues and concerns, the length of time to finalize a divorce depends in part on the complexity of those issues and how open both parties are to achieving fair resolution. One thing that is worth considering is that choosing to settle the terms of your divorce with mediation can dramatically reduce the time it takes to finalize a divorce. You may wonder why mediation takes less time than proceeding through the courts…
Aug 24, 2021 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation
Deciding to divorce is never easy, but many couples struggle with finding the best time to separate and move toward divorce, given their unique circumstances. Divorce does not happen overnight and is a process that can take months if not longer, so thinking about timing can be beneficial. Some factors to consider when you are thinking about the timing of your divorce include the following:
Current economy and your finances: Money is one of the biggest potential issues when you go through a divorce
Aug 10, 2021 | Comprehensive Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
Was the main driver in your decision to divorce related to intense conflict, anger, and fighting in your marriage? Did you feel like you and your partner could not agree on anything and fought about even the smallest issues? If you have decided to divorce after high levels of conflict in your marriage, you may assume that your only option is to proceed through the court system. However, litigation can actually make the conflict even worse. The foundation of litigation is winning or losing. You end up fighting hard and battling over issues like dividing property, child custody and spousal support.