Oct 30, 2020 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Neutral Mediator
Making decisions about working with someone takes some time. Whether it is hiring a person for a job in your business or deciding on a healthcare provider for yourself or a family member, a good fit is very important. You need to know that you are comfortable communicating with the other person and that you have a similar view on the goals and outcomes of the partnership. The same holds true for choosing a mediator. If you and your spouse have decided to pursue a divorce using mediation, then you want to find a mediator who understands your goals and is a good overall fit. Johnson Mediation offers free
Oct 16, 2020 | Child Visitation Mediation MN, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
Divorce is impossible to prepare for – even if you have known that your marriage was in trouble, it is a process that you do not fully understand until you go through it. Mediation is a highly effective way to settle the terms of your divorce without having to go through an expensive and stressful court battle. The team at Johnson Mediation has experience navigating divorces from start to finish and can help guide you through the process, answer your questions and find your way forward. We promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. Divorce mediation is the preferred process by the courts in Minnesota and the following is what you can expect from the divorce mediation process:
Oct 9, 2020 | Co-Parenting, Comprehensive Mediation, Neutral Mediator
If you and your ex cannot agree on anything and have a history of extreme conflict, you may assume that you have no choice but to litigate your divorce in the courts. After all, how could you possibly agree on how to settle important issues like child custody and division of your shared property if you could not ever agree before. Well, before you hire attorneys and move toward a bitter court battle, consider mediation as a low cost, less stressful alternative. The team at Johnson Mediation can guide you through even an adversarial divorce.
Jul 13, 2020 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator, Partner Separation Mediator, Post Divorce Support, Un-Married Parents Seperating
Divorce is widely considered one of the most stressful life events and right now this stress is magnified by the uncertainty and stress of the times. Divorce mediation is a way to settle the terms of your divorce without the added stress of litigation. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation services and offers high quality mediation services even during these uncertain times.
Below are 5 reasons that you should choose mediation over litigation if you are getting a divorce:
Jun 24, 2020 | Chanhassen MN, Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator, Parenting Coach, Parenting Specialist, Post Divorce Support
COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down and has forced us to slow down, social distance and stay home when possible. However, even though the virus continues to spread in our community, our lives cannot simply stop until we have a vaccine. One extremely positive outcome of living through this unusual time is that our society has been forced to virtualize many different events and processes that cannot safely happen at the present time. We are working from home more, graduation celebrations and senior proms have been held virtually, and we have all gotten used to logging into Zoom
Jun 17, 2020 | Child Custody, Child Support, Child Visitation Mediation MN, Co-Parenting, Divorce Coaching, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
Divorce mediation is a less expensive and less stressful option for settling the terms of your divorce than traditional litigation. What does this mean? Well, divorce can be extremely costly, both financially and emotionally and leave your family without the resources and strength to move forward in a healthy way. Johnson Mediation works to support families through the process in a different way. We offer divorce mediation services to couples in the South Metro of Minneapolis. Rather than battling in the court, the team at Johnson Mediation helps you communicate, compromise and find resolution that works for your