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How Long Does Mediation Take In A Divorce?

How Long Does Mediation Take In A DivorceOne of the most common questions that we are asked by our clients is how long they should expect the divorce mediation process to take. Every divorce is unique, and the settlement process can be different for different couples. In general, you can expect to participate in 3-4 two hour mediation sessions over the course of a few months. This can be a bit shorter or longer depending on the readiness of both parties to resolve the issues and the emotional state of each party. Johnson Mediation focuses on helping you navigate every aspect of the divorce process, from start to finish, so that you can move forward

Reasons to Choose Divorce Mediation Over Divorce Litigation

Reasons to Choose Mediation Over Litigation Divorce is widely considered one of the most stressful life events and right now this stress is magnified by the uncertainty and stress of the times. Divorce mediation is a way to settle the terms of your divorce without the added stress of litigation. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation services and offers high quality mediation services even during these uncertain times.

Below are 5 reasons that you should choose mediation over litigation if you are getting a divorce:

Online Divorce Mediation Near Me

Online Divorce Mediation Near MeCOVID-19 has turned our lives upside down and has forced us to slow down, social distance and stay home when possible. However, even though the virus continues to spread in our community, our lives cannot simply stop until we have a vaccine. One extremely positive outcome of living through this unusual time is that our society has been forced to virtualize many different events and processes that cannot safely happen at the present time. We are working from home more, graduation celebrations and senior proms have been held virtually, and we have all gotten used to logging into Zoom

Divorce Mediation Services in South Metro of Minneapolis

Divorce Mediation Services in South Metro of MinneapolisDivorce mediation is a less expensive and less stressful option for settling the terms of your divorce than traditional litigation. What does this mean? Well, divorce can be extremely costly, both financially and emotionally and leave your family without the resources and strength to move forward in a healthy way. Johnson Mediation works to support families through the process in a different way. We offer divorce mediation services to couples in the South Metro of Minneapolis. Rather than battling in the court, the team at Johnson Mediation helps you communicate, compromise and find resolution that works for your

Support Services to Divorcing Couples in Shakopee

Support Services to Divorcing CouplesDivorce is an incredibly stressful time for both parties as well as for any children from the marriage and extended family. Dividing a family unit takes an emotional toll on all involved and the stress often spans over several years, when you include the time before the divorce when it was being considered and during the divorce process. During different times of the process, both parties need different kinds and different levels of support. Johnson Mediation offers a variety of divorce support to divorcing couples who live in Shakopee, Minnesota to help your family manage the stress of the process.

Divorce During Covid-19

Divorce during Covid-192020 has been a year like no other. Our country has faced the first pandemic in nearly 100 years, and we have experienced many changes in just a few short months. Social distancing is now recommended, many businesses have closed their doors, people are working remotely and wearing masks, and schools are closed all in an effort to keep people safe. COVID-19 has changed our daily life. However, despite the need to prevent spread of the disease, there are things in our lives that still need to move forward. For couples who made the very difficult decision to divorce and are ready to navigate the process, Johnson Mediation can help.