Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Settling A High Conflict Divorce

Settling A High Conflict DivorceWas the main driver in your decision to divorce related to intense conflict, anger, and fighting in your marriage? Did you feel like you and your partner could not agree on anything and fought about even the smallest issues? If you have decided to divorce after high levels of conflict in your marriage, you may assume that your only option is to proceed through the court system. However, litigation can actually make the conflict even worse. The foundation of litigation is winning or losing. You end up fighting hard and battling over issues like dividing property, child custody and spousal support.

Finding Common Ground In The Divorce Process

Finding Common Ground In The Divorce ProcessThe sun is hot. Water is wet. Day follows night. There are some statements in life that are so obvious that stating them at all seems unnecessary. The statement, “divorce is difficult,” also fits into this category. However, the reality is that there is nothing that can be done to change the heat of the sun, the wetness of water, or the coming of a new day. There IS something that can be done about the difficulty of divorce and all it takes is a phone call or a few clicks on a computer keyboard to reduce the difficulty of divorce. Johnson Mediation provides divorce mediation services, and we have helped many couples reduce

Understanding The Basics Of Divorce Mediation

Understanding The Basics Of Divorce MediationDivorce mediation is a relatively simple process that can save you time and money when it comes to settling the terms of your divorce. Understanding the basics of the process can help you navigate it with less stress. During the Covid pandemic online divorce mediation became popular and is still the prefered method of completing the divorce mediation process. Online mediation is more convinent and saves time and money. Here are some basic pieces of information that are helpful for couples to know before the process begins

Mediation Services That Work For You

Mediation Services That Work For YouAt Johnson Mediation, we provide mediation for couples who have decided that divorce is their best option. We have the skill and experience to help you navigate an effective and efficient divorce: depth of mediation experience; knowledge of Minnesota divorce law; and compassion for our clients.

We are able to tailor our mediation services to best meet your needs and the needs of your family. If you have children, you probably are already very aware that your divorce will certainly affect them. In addition to helping you create a workable parenting agreement that prepares your kids for their lives

Steps to Consider When You Decide to Work With a Divorce Mediator

Steps to Consider When You Decide to Work With a Divorce MediatorIf you and your spouse have decided to hire a divorce mediator to help you settle the terms of your divorce, you probably have a good idea on the issues that need to be resolved. For most couples, the major issues are deciding on a plan for parenting time, deciding how to divide your joint property, assets and debts, and determining whether or not you need to factor spousal or child support into your settlement. Divorce mediation is different than litigation in large part because you are in control of the outcomes. Here are some tips to put yourself in the best possible position for successful divorce mediation:

Online Mediation Services in 2021

Online Mediation Services in 2021These last several months have been like no other. As our country tackles the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned about such things as social distancing, mask wearing, virtual school and many of us have worked from home for the first time in our careers. We have all had to adapt to new aspects of daily life, school and work. During this time, we have also had the chance to spend more time at home with our immediate families, put less miles on our car, and just slow down a bit. For many families, this has actually been very stressful. If you and your spouse have been considering a divorce, these last several months may have solidified your decision