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How Long Does Mediation Take In A Divorce?

How Long Does Mediation Take In A DivorceOne of the most common questions that we are asked by our clients is how long they should expect the divorce mediation process to take. Every divorce is unique, and the settlement process can be different for different couples. In general, you can expect to participate in 3-4 two hour mediation sessions over the course of a few months. This can be a bit shorter or longer depending on the readiness of both parties to resolve the issues and the emotional state of each party. Johnson Mediation focuses on helping you navigate every aspect of the divorce process, from start to finish, so that you can move forward

Divorce Mediation Trends in 2024

Divorce Mediation Trends in 2024Divorce mediation has become much more accepted and popular over the last several decades. Many states, including Minnesota actually encourage couples to use mediation or another dispute resolution technique before going through the courts to settle the terms of a divorce. The mediation process is based on the core premise that finding areas of compromise can allow a divorcing couple to make decisions about settling the terms of divorce in a way that are less contentious, less stressful and potentially more positive and productive than litigation.

Staying Financially Secure During Divorce

Staying Financially Secure during DivorceConcern over the financial impact of a divorce is extremely stressful and may have even caused you to delay this important decision. In addition to dividing all of your joint property you must also think about the money it costs to go through the process. If you proceed through the traditional court system, you can expect to pay up to $15,000 in legal and court fees. Divorce can leave you with additional debt, an impact on your credit score in addition to the emotional toll the process can take. Johnson Mediation can help you and your family look ahead with a focus on you, your family and your future.

Complicated Divorce Advice

Complicated Divorce AdviceNearly all divorces are complicated. When you have spent years of your life together as a couple, it can be extremely difficult to separate your possessions, financial assets and to determine a parenting plan (or custody arrangement) for your children. It is a common myth that a complicated and potentially adversarial divorce can only be settled using the court system and litigation. However, even the most complicated divorce can be settled using divorce mediation. Johnson Mediation specializes in offering effective and affordable divorce mediation services, whether your divorce is relatively simple or very complex.

Settle Your Divorce With Less Stress

Settle Your Divorce With Less StressDivorce mediation is now a sought-after option for couples who have decided to pursue a divorce. It is an effective, and often preferable, option for many couples because it eliminates much of the stress and financial burdens of the more traditional court-based divorce proceedings. Johnson Mediation has established itself as one of the top providers of divorce mediation in Minnesota and would be happy to work with you to help you settle the terms of your divorce.

We have the experience and qualifications to help you end your marriage

Reduce Stress During Divorce

Reduce Stress During Divorce The stress of a marriage that is headed toward divorce can be overwhelming, constant, and unrelenting. This stress can also feel permanent. Johnson Mediation wants you to know that we can help reduce the overall stress felt by both you and your spouse. One thing we can state with utmost confidence is that the stress of divorce does not need to be permanent, though it can certainly feel that way. If your marriage has been failing for some time, and if you have been led to believe that the only way to end it is to engage in a very long process that involves lawyers and the courts, it is understandable that you would conclude that the stress you are