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Is An Amicable Divorce Possible?

Is An Amicable Divorce Possible?The widely held view of divorce in the United States is that it is contentious and adversarial. Our long held notions of divorce include lawyers, courtrooms and fights about everything from money to child custody. These impressions come from TV, from movies, and to an extent from personal experience or knowing friends, co-workers or loved ones that have been through the process. Divorce does not have to be this way. You can navigate the process in a more amicable and cooperative way, without the nasty court battle. Mediation has become a strongly preferred option for settling the terms of a divorce in Minnesota

Focusing on your Future after Divorce

Focusing on your Future after DivorceThe divorce process is all consuming and likely is the culmination of many months or years of high conflict and unhappiness. Once you make the decision to divorce, it can be difficult to see past the process, as the divorce process itself can take many months, especially if you go through the courts. Johnson Mediation offers an alternative to this model of a long, drawn-out process. Divorce mediation allows you to see past the divorce process to your future. Focusing on your future and your family, rather than the pain of your past can give you the strength you need to take those final steps through the process.

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Should I Choose Mediation or Litigation?

Should I Choose Mediation or Litigation? | Common Divorce Questions MNThe Minnesota court system is now encouraging couples to try to settle their divorce using divorce mediation rather than the traditional litigation process. This is a surprise to many who begin the divorce process and assume that the only real option for resolution is through the courts. You may be wondering exactly why the court system is encouraging mediation? Here are some of the reasons:

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How Long Will Divorce Mediation Take?

How Long Will Divorce Mediation Take?Mediation is becoming a very popular way to settle the terms of a divorce. In fact, the courts are now strongly encouraging all couples to try mediation first, before moving forward with litigation (traditional court process). This trend is not soon to change as mediation has many benefits, including taking less time (and money) than litigation. Johnson Mediation is a mediation firm that can help you through the divorce process from start to finish using mediation. One of the most common questions we receive about the mediation process is about how long it should take. Here are some things to help guide you on a timeline:

Role Of A Divorce Mediator

Minnesota Divorce MediatorIn the state of Minnesota, when it comes to the divorce process, many assume that you must have a divorce attorney in place to navigate the settlement. That is actually not true. While litigation is certainly an option, the Minnesota courts are actually strongly encouraging couples to try mediation first before a court battle. Divorce mediation does not require divorce attorneys for the process to work. You can work directly with your ex and a trained mediator to settle every aspect of your divorce including dividing joint property and developing a parenting plan and/or custody arrangement

A Guide To Minnesota Divorce

A Guide To Minnesota Divorce

Since divorce is something that we hopefully only do at most once in our lives, it stands to reason that navigating the process is difficult. It just does not always make sense. We can find resources that can help guide you through this process to stay on track legally, emotionally and financially. Johnson Mediation helps couples, and families navigate divorce so that you can begin to look toward your future, rather than focusing on all of the pain of your past. Here are some tips as you begin the process to help guide you