Apr 28, 2018 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Mediation, Un-Married Parents Seperating
Unmarried couples who share children can make their own agreements for important issues such as child support, child custody and visitation. Whether you are married or not, when children are involved, it is critically important to make sure that plans are in place that put your kids’ well-being first. Communication during a separation is very often strained, so investing in mediation sessions may be a productive way to handle many issues related to your split – including how to handle child support agreements. Johnson Mediation focuses on helping families through these difficult transitions by facilitating positive and productive communication that result in workable solutions for all involved.
Mar 30, 2018 | Child Custody, Child Support, Eden Prairie, Parenting Coach
Johnson Mediation serves many communities in the state, and if you are in need of Parenting coaching services for any reason, Johnson Mediation has the professional expertise and mediation training to help you. Divorce is difficult and if you have children, this difficulty can continue even after the divorce papers have been signed. You and your ex-spouse have to find a way to work together to parent for many years after your divorce. This can present many challenges, particularly as it relates to open and easy communication strategies. This is one area where a parenting coach can help.
Mar 23, 2018 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation
Most divorcing couples assume that disputes over divorces must be decided in Court by a Judge, but family disputes are ideally settled between family members before they reach a courtroom. Mediation settlements are better than going to court for many reasons. Mediation settlements are likely to be more satisfactory in the long run because the solution is mutually-agreeable, and has been proven to be more satisfactory in past surveys in the United States. The mediator can model and facilitate better communication that may continue after mediation, the lines of communication are extremely important and need to continue to be open if you have children together. Attorneys often can be very helpful in settling disputes out of court. But when they are in court the decision process is out of the best interest of the couple and is ultimately decided by a judge after sometimes a lethal fight. When children are involved with divorce and separation, the stakes are even higher. Mediation allows control to remain in the hands of the parents, not the Court.
Mar 17, 2018 | Chanhassen MN, Child Custody, Early Neutral Evaluations, Neutral Mediator, Parenting Specialist, Parenting Time, Un-Married Parents Seperating
Any separation is difficult, but when there’s a child involved and you’re unmarried, it can be particularly stressful and challenging to begin separating from your partner. Especially if you and your former partner are no longer on good speaking terms, or if your only conversations end in heated debate, then you may need someone to help you work through the specifics of your separation, particularly where your child is concerned. At Johnson Mediation, we provide Chanhassen, MN mediation for non-married parents who are separating, helping separated couples reach legally equitable agreements about their parenting time and custody, visitation, child support, and division of property that aids in the rearing of the child.
Feb 16, 2018 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Mediation
Understanding how divorce affects children is a big question that most separating parents have. This question is big and can greatly depend on each families unique situation, the age of the children and many more variables. Many experts are not even sure how to answer this question because of the variables that need to be considered, but research has some key ideas on how children may react to these situations.
It is good to know that how your kids are affected is greatly determined by how you, and the other parent handle the situation. Working with the other parent and creating a healthy environment can make your children resilient, or may make the children act out and not adjust well to the new situation.
Feb 15, 2018 | Child Custody, Comprehensive Mediation, Early Neutral Evaluations
The Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE), was started in Minnesota several years ago in one county and has been adopted throughout many parts of the state. It is considered one of the norms when deciding custody for divorcing parents.
A Social Early Neutral Evaluation is a form of mediation because it helps dispute disagreements and create common grounds that both parties are happy with. These meetings are voluntary and non-binding. Although with normal mediation, the mediator will not take a position, yet with SENE the mediator’s task is to give recommendations they see as best fit for both parties.