Mar 11, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Online Mediation
If you are considering seeking a divorce from your spouse, it is important to think hard about the long term implications and decide if this is the best course of action for you and your family. Whether you have been thinking about this possibility for some time or something has happened that has caused you to consider it more acutely, thinking ahead and planning can help you navigate the process with less financial and emotional stress. Here are 5 things you need to know if you are seriously considering divorce in the next 6-12 months:
Mar 4, 2023 | Mediation Questions, Online Mediation, Post Divorce Support
The pandemic changed so many aspects of our daily life. Even now that hospitalizations and deaths are down and we have moved forward, many things that were implemented during that time period have stayed with us. For example, many of us still work primarily from home and many of us still do curbside pickup for our groceries. During the pandemic, our mediation firm moved all of our cases online, rather than conducting in person sessions in order to minimize the spread of the virus. Now that we are (for the most part) on the other side, we are in a position to take any of the positive changes
Jan 21, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
It is estimated that between 70-85% of cases that go through mediation are settled. When you stop and think for a second, that is pretty remarkable, in large part because each and every one of those cases are trying to settle a dispute. The two parties often do not agree about how the dispute should be settled, so they need professional assistance to sort this out. When it comes to divorce, the disagreements between the two parties are compounded by the emotion, sadness and pain of realizing that your marriage is over. Mediation is considered so effective that the Minnesota court system is now recommending that all divorce cases go through mediation before going through the courts. If you are coming to terms with the idea of a divorce
Dec 31, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
Did you know that January is the most common month for divorce? In fact, it is sometimes known as Divorce month. There may be many reasons for this – it is just after the holidays; couples may decide that they need a fresh start for the new year and that it is to let go of things that are no longer healthy. If you are finding yourself looking ahead to the new year with divorce on the horizon, we can help. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce support for couples in Minnesota. We offer a wide variety of services to help you navigate the divorce process with less stress and more control over the outcome.
Dec 9, 2022 | Online Mediation
Life is busy – between work, your kids’ busy schedules, and routine issues that you have to get done on a daily basis. And, if you are beginning the divorce process, it is nearly certain that you are feeling stretched and overwhelmed. Online divorce mediation became extremely popular during the pandemic when we were all minimizing in-person meetings as a result of COVID-19. Now that we have vaccines and treatments for COVID, in-person meetings are safer, but many of us have continued to complete meetings virtually, rather than in person. This is the same for divorce mediation sessions. Johnson Mediation continues to offer
Sep 17, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Online Mediation
Mediation has always been a highly effective and efficient way to resolve the terms of your divorce without the stress and expense of a court battle. In fact, in the state of Minnesota, mediation has always been a recommended way of resolving issues like division of property, child custody and child/spousal support. Even in normal times, the court system cannot accommodate all of the divorce cases in a timely manner. Over the last few years, however, with the emergence of COVID-19, it has become even more difficult to schedule court dates for divorce proceedings. As a result, mediators have adapted