Nov 9, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Mediation Questions, Online Mediation
When you decide to use divorce mediation to resolve the terms of your divorce, it is critically important to understand the role of the mediator. A mediator is not like a judge in a divorce case. While a judge hears both sides of a legal argument and makes a determination. Mediation is entirely voluntary, and a mediator does not render a verdict in your case. Instead, your mediator will facilitate a series of discussions that will empower the two parties to come to a decision together. Here are some key elements of the role of a mediator when it comes to the divorce process
Sep 28, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Online Mediation
Many things have gone back to normal after the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but, for many, online meetings have remained a part of everyday life. If you work in an office setting, you may still even be working from home some days and have virtual meetings regularly. This was very unusual before 2020, but the reality is that there are some huge benefits to online meetings that have made it possible and even desirable to keep meetings in this format. Johnson Mediation moved to online divorce mediation sessions during the pandemic to help families successfully navigate the divorce process
Sep 7, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
You might have been thinking about the idea of a divorce for a long time. Maybe you have been unsure if you were ready, if it would negatively impact your family, or if you had questions about whether you could survive financially. These are all very important questions as you consider this big decision. Here are some important pieces of information to know before you move ahead with a divorce:
1. Minnesota is a no-fault divorce state: In the state of Minnesota, the court will grant a divorce without considering who might be at fault
Aug 5, 2023 | Online Mediation
For many of us, the thought of having meetings over the computer rather than in person may have seemed impossible, unnecessary or just not practical. Before 2020, virtual meetings were highly unusual. But, since that time, our society has transitioned to more flexible work options, working from home and zoom meetings have become common for all types of meetings and appointments. Mediation services have benefited from this transition to virtual meetings and the results for families have been highly successful. Johnson Mediation now offers virtual divorce mediation services to couples all over
Jul 15, 2023 | Children & Divorce, Online Mediation, Parenting Specialist
Deciding to divorce is more than a decision to make a logistical change in your life. For many couples, it represents a personal loss and can elicit emotions like regret, sadness, and disappointment. These emotions impact the two individuals in the marriage but also have an effect on the children from the marriage as well. There are strategies for reducing the emotional toll of a divorce on a family and the team at Johnson Mediation can help you find your way forward while you and your family heal.
May 20, 2023 | Children & Divorce, Mediation Questions, Neutral Mediator, Online Mediation
When you and your spouse decide to divorce, you are not only making this big decision for you, but you are also making it for your entire family – including your kids. Kids do not have much (if any) say in this decision but are affected significantly. Deciding how to communicate with them about the upcoming change related to divorce is a critical step in the process of helping them cope. Below are some tips for communicating calmly and effectively with your children of all ages about divorce: