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What Is The Mediation Success Rate In MN?

What Is The Mediation Success Rate In MN?You may already know that the Minnesota court system recommends that all couples try mediation to resolve the terms of a divorce before attempting litigation. You may wonder why that is the recommendation. Mediation is less expensive and takes less time than litigation and that is certainly part of the reason. What you might not be aware of is just how successful mediation is. Mediation can be more than 85% effective in divorce cases, even when child custody is a factor. Both parties are often more satisfied with the outcome and the results are more long lasting. That is a very high success rate, especially given that many couples enter the divorce process with…

Navigating The Divorce Mediation Process

Understanding The Divorce Mediation Process If you are planning for a divorce and considering mediation as a tool to resolve the terms of your settlement, you may have questions about the divorce mediation process. When we think of divorce, we often envision a couple on 2 different sides of a courtroom with attorneys pleading to a judge about custody and dividing your joint assets. In fact, mediation offers you an entirely different pathway when it comes to settling the terms of your divorce – one that costs less, is less stressful and that is less emotionally taxing. In addition, divorce mediation allows you to make the decisions for your family rather then a judge.

Why Minnesota Courts Encourage Divorce Mediation

Why Minnesota Courts Encourage Divorce Mediation You may be surprised to learn that the Minnesota court system encourages couples who are going through a divorce to try divorce mediation before going through the traditional court system to settle. In fact, nearly all divorce cases can be settled outside of the litigation process. This includes fairly and equitably dividing joint assets, debts, and property, developing a child custody agreement (and/or a parenting agreement) and determining whether or not spousal or child support is necessary in your case. Here are some of the reasons why the court

Taking The First Steps Toward Divorce

Taking the First Steps toward DivorceMaking the decision to get a divorce is a huge life change. This is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, and it can have a significant impact on the lives of your entire family. For many couples, however, it is the right decision, despite the difficulty. Taking that first step can seem impossible for many different reasons. You may not know what step to take, you may not feel certain it’s the right step, or you may have so many questions that you feel paralyzed. This is all a normal response to such a major life decision. Johnson Mediation can help you take that first step when the time is right, help you define your priorities and goals and then move through the process with less stress.

How Long Will Divorce Mediation Take?

How Long Will Divorce Mediation Take?Mediation is becoming a very popular way to settle the terms of a divorce. In fact, the courts are now strongly encouraging all couples to try mediation first, before moving forward with litigation (traditional court process). This trend is not soon to change as mediation has many benefits, including taking less time (and money) than litigation. Johnson Mediation is a mediation firm that can help you through the divorce process from start to finish using mediation. One of the most common questions we receive about the mediation process is about how long it should take. Here are some things to help guide you on a timeline:

A Guide To Minnesota Divorce

A Guide To Minnesota Divorce

Since divorce is something that we hopefully only do at most once in our lives, it stands to reason that navigating the process is difficult. It just does not always make sense. We can find resources that can help guide you through this process to stay on track legally, emotionally and financially. Johnson Mediation helps couples, and families navigate divorce so that you can begin to look toward your future, rather than focusing on all of the pain of your past. Here are some tips as you begin the process to help guide you