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Chanhassen Mediation Services for Divorcing Couples

Chanhassen Mediation Services for Divorcing CouplesThe divorce process can be intimidating and seem very transactional after a marriage has dissolved. After all, deciding that a marriage is over is likely one of the most difficult of all decisions and is known to be one of the most stressful life events. Mediation gives you the opportunity to finalize the important aspects of a divorce, while giving your family (and even your ex) the respect and closure that you need to move forward in a healthy way. Johnson Mediation offers mediation services for divorcing couples in Chanhassen, MN. Our team focuses on helping you find solutions for you and your family that are fair, reasonable and workable.

Mediation Services in MN

Mediation Services in MNMediation is designed to solve problems without having to rely on the courts and a judge to make important decisions in your life. Mediation is a very commonly used Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process that empowers a couple to decide for themselves how to divide their joint property, split custody of their children and decide whether child support (or spousal support) is necessary. Minnesota courts now encourage all couples to try mediation before litigation – in large part because the courts cannot handle the volume of court cases on their schedule.

Complicated Divorce Mediation Services

Complicated Divorce Mediation ServicesDivorce mediation is accurately described as a viable and desirable alternative to traditional court-based divorce proceedings.  What tends to go along with this description of mediation is the belief that mediated divorce is for divorcing couples who have simple relationships, simple finances, and are relatively low in conflict.  Divorce mediation, as provided by Johnson Mediation, is not limited to marriages that are ending amicably and whose lives are not further complicated by extensive financial holdings.  At Johnson Mediation, we have the capability of serving couples whose marriages can be described as ‘complicated,’ in virtually every way.

Carver County, Minnesota Child Custody Mediator

Carver County, Minnesota Child Custody MediatorIf you have made the tough decision to divorce and are a parent, much of your stress, concern and even anxiety is centered around how custody will be settled. Child custody is often the most difficult and stressful aspects of a divorce settlement. Nearly all parents struggle thinking about not seeing their child (or children) as often after a divorce. While this difficulty cannot be taken away, mediation is a tool that can be used to create the best possible solution for all. Johnson Mediation specializes in child custody mediation in Carver County, Minnesota and can help you and your family make decisions that put your children first.

Carver County Divorce Mediation Services

Carver County Divorce Mediation ServicesThe divorce process can be extremely overwhelming as you simultaneously work to separate the many aspects of your life that have been intertwined for years while also trying to move forward emotionally. Litigation is one way to settle the terms of your divorce but can be extremely costly, both financially and emotionally and actually adds to existing conflict. Divorce mediation is an effective tool that can be used instead of litigation to settle your divorce that can save you time, money and allow you to move past your divorce more quickly

Alternative Dispute Resolution Services

Alternative Dispute Resolution Services in MinnesotaNot all marriage vows end in happily ever after. The reality is that many marriages end in divorce. The way in which a couple decides to proceed through the divorce process can have a lasting impact on the family, including the children. Litigating dissolution of marriage inside of a courtroom is not the only option. Divorce mediation can lessen the discourse, cost and time it takes to reach a final resolution. Most Minnesota judges encourage couples to consider mediation as an alternative dispute resolution process. This allows individuals to take charge of their own divorce process and…