Jul 9, 2017 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
If you and your spouse have made the difficult decision that divorce is in your future, you might be anxious to move quickly through the process in order to minimize conflict and to finally find some peace. Settling your divorce in the traditional court setting requires a significant amount of time and resources. You must hire attorneys and work around their schedules as well as a wait on court availability. Mediation offers an alternative to settling your divorce that takes much less time and money. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation services for those in the Chanhassen, Shakopee, and Bloomington MN and can help you resolve all aspects of your divorce in the shortest time possible.
Jul 1, 2017 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
Divorce is common — far too common by many people’s standards. We all know the popular statistic that one half of all marriages end in divorce. However, the divorce rates in our country have actually decreased a bit over the last several decades. And yet, to a couple facing a divorce, these statistics do not matter. Divorce is an incredibly personal, emotional and difficult process that is often characterized by high conflict and lengthy court battles. If you are looking for a way to resolve the important issues in your divorce – mediation rather than the courts, may be a tool to consider. Johnson Mediation specializes in providing couples in the Chanhassen, Richfield, and Bloomington MN area with comprehensive divorce mediation services. Our goal is to decrease the stress often associated with divorce by reducing the financial and emotional cost and focusing on you, your family and your future.
Jun 29, 2017 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator, Parenting Time, Post Divorce Support
A divorce mediator’s job is to help facilitate resolution to any of a number of difficult issues in a neutral and impartial way. A mediator is a neutral third party who does not have any interest in choosing sides or favoring one party over the other. Instead, a mediator will sit down with both parties and help facilitate discussion that leads to compromise and solutions. That said, you or your divorcing spouse may have a preference of the gender of your mediator. Johnson Mediation is led by Jeff Johnson, who can provide a neutral male divorce mediator’s perspective. Jeff is a state qualified neutral mediator, social & financial early neutral evaluator, parenting time expediter, parenting consultant, parenting coach and a parenting class instructor. He has many years of experience working with couples to help them find solutions that work for their unique situation. Jeff can guide you through the entire mediation process.
Jun 25, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
Sadly, divorce has become somewhat of an inevitability in our world. The process of divorcing can cause distress and lifelong upset. But there is hope for finding a more functional response by all family members affected by divorce—Johnson Mediation of Chanhassen, Minnesota, offers the kind of service that can help divorcing parents and their children respond in a healthier way during and after the divorce process. If divorce is an inevitability for you, parenting and divorce mediation may be a tool that can help ensure that all family members are taken care of. If your family is going through a divorce, Johnson Mediation is an excellent resource for your entire family. Our team serves families of Chanhassen, Richfield, and Bloomington, Minnesota.
Jun 23, 2017 | Comprehensive Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator, Post Divorce Support
The goal of divorce mediation is to assist a divorcing couple to find common ground and settle the difficult aspects of a divorce with less animosity, less stress, while using fewer financial resources. A mediator is a trained professional who serves a neutral third party to facilitate discussions that can ultimately result in compromise around issues such as division of property, assets and debts, child/spousal support and development of a parenting plan (otherwise known as a custody agreement). The divorce mediation process is more simple than you might expect, following the basic set of steps below. Johnson Mediation serves divorcing couples in the Chanhassen, Richfield, and Bloomington, MN area and would be happy to partner with you to help you find resolution through this difficult and painful process.
Jun 18, 2017 | Divorce Mediation, Mediation, Mediator Near ME, Neutral Mediator
Just like no two relationships are like, a divorce is also an entirely unique process, and it often brings out the worst in both parties. If you are facing a divorce, and you are concerned that you and your spouse do not see eye to eye on important matters such as child custody or division of assets, a divorce coach may be able to add support and perspective to your situation, allowing you to resolve the outstanding issues in your divorce in a more positive and productive way. Johnson Mediation offers individualized divorce coaching and other divorce mediation services for those in the Chanhassen, Shakopee, Richfield, and Bloomington MN area. Our team focuses on you, your family and your future and assisting you throughout the entire process.