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Mediator MN

Mediator MNWhen you say your vows, you imagine a long, happy life with your spouse. For many, however, this reality simply does not materialize and a couple realizes that they are better off apart. Many things can change during your relationship – communication can become strained, financial stress can cause conflict, the addition of children can change the dynamic between you and your spouse, or infidelity can cause a serious break. When you find yourself ready to proceed with a divorce, a divorce mediator can help you navigate the process in a more positive and healthier way than traditional litigation. Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services for Minnesota couples who are ready to end their marriage and begin a new chapter of their lives.

Divorce Mediation Tips & Checklist

Divorce Mediation Tips & ChecklistIf you have made the decision to settle the terms of your divorce with divorce mediation rather than engaging in a long and costly court battle, you are probably already aware of some of the many benefits. Divorce mediation can take a matter of weeks to months, rather than months to years and can cost many thousands of dollars less than litigation. No matter what, your divorce will still be stressful and can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Hennepin County Divorce Mediator

Hennepin County Divorce MediatorDivorce is one of the most difficult and stressful experiences an individual can face. There are ways to mitigate the stress of divorce, including deciding to pursue mediation as a way to settle the important terms to end your marriage. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation and can help you navigate this difficult process. Our team offers comprehensive divorce mediation services for divorcing couples in Hennepin County, MN. We can reduce the stress of divorce by offering an alternative to court-based divorce processes.

Bloomington Minnesota Divorce Services

Bloomington Minnesota Divorce ServicesMovies and TV very often portray divorce as highly contentious and adversarial, often with scenes of a bitter and contested court battle. These images give us the impression that divorce is all about winning or losing, about anger and sometimes even revenge. In reality, divorce can look entirely different for a couple that is ready to separate. Mediation is an excellent and highly effective way to resolve the important issues in a divorce.

Alternative to Courtroom Divorce

Alternative to Courtroom DivorceFacing the end of a marriage is difficult. The stress of divorce can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is an alternative to court-based divorce processes that can help facing the end of your marriage feel less stressful. Divorce Mediation has helped many couples in recent years avoid the cost and difficulty of courtroom divorces, and Johnson Mediation has been a leader in the field of mediated divorce.

Will Divorce Mediation Help after my Divorce is Final?

Will Divorce Mediation Help after my Divorce is FinalDivorce mediation is an excellent way to resolve many important issues as you and your spouse untangle your lives. Divorce mediation offers a forum to help you resolve issues such as the division of property, assets and debts, the development of a child custody agreement that works for your entire family, and the determination of whether or not child and/or spousal support is necessary. However, mediation can be just as effective after a divorce is final as it during the divorce process.