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Divorce Mediation Professional Near Me

Divorce Mediation Professional Near MeDivorce is not an easy process for anyone. From making huge changes in your own life to coming to terms with the fact that an entire chapter has come to a close, divorce tests our emotional and mental strength, adding stress to our lives that we probably weren’t expecting. In order to make divorce less stressful, to help ensure you keep your peace of mind throughout the process, and to help you and your spouse maintain a cordial relationship, you may want to consider working with a neutral divorce mediation near you. At Johnson Mediation, we provide divorce mediation services

Mediation Help With Joint Custody Child Schedules

Mediation Help With Joint Custody Child SchedulesOne of the most emotionally taxing and complicated aspects of settling a divorce is agreeing on a child custody arrangement. The idea of seeing your child less than daily is an extremely difficult adjustment for most parents. If you (or the court) has decided that you will be proceeding with a joint custody arrangement with your ex-spouse, you may be wondering the best strategies for coordinating opposing schedules. Partnering with a professional mediator can help you come up with a joint custody schedule that will work for you, your ex-spouse and your children.

Divorce Mediator MN

Divorce Mediator MN | Chanhassen Divorce Mediation ServicesDivorce mediation provides a safe environment for divorcing couples to discuss all aspects of settling a divorce including child custody, child support and division of property and assets in a healthy and productive way. This collaborative process can lay the groundwork for a positive relationship even after the divorce, which is very important, especially when children are involved, as the divorce itself is the just the beginning of a new phase of the relationship. Johnson Mediation of Chanhassen, MN, offers a comprehensive divorce mediation program for…

Grief Recovery

Grief Recovery TherapistDivorce is commonly regarded as one of the 5 most stressful life events – along with the death of a loved one, a job loss or major illness. By the time you have reached a divorce settlement, you have also been through a whole range of emotions including anger, frustration, sadness, fear, depression, loneliness and even grief. Divorce is essentially a death of your marriage, something that you believed in and likely thought would last the rest of your life. In fact, you may experience many stages of grief, including denial, pain and fear, anger, bargaining, guilt and depression before acceptance finally takes hold. Going through the grief process is essential to allowing you to find a way forward after your divorce. Johnson Mediation works with individuals in the Chanhassen, Burnsville, and Shakopee, MN area manage the grief associated with divorce so that moving forward is possible.

Don’t lose focus!

Are your kids at the center of your decisions or are emotions or revenge getting in the way? As a professional mediator and Parenting Specialist I hear and see decision that are not always in the best interest of the children.  That may not be a surprise to many of...

Divorce Mediation before Divorce Litigation

Try Mediation first before entering into Litigation. Litigation is always available if Mediation is not successful for you but Litigation should not be your first option. In the United States Mediation is an Alternative Method of Dispute Resolution.  In Australia it...