Apr 15, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Mediation Questions
Divorce is known to be one of the most stressful of all life events. As a result, when you ask about people’s experience, you will very often hear horror stories from friends, neighbors and co-workers about the process, the conflict and potential unfair outcomes. If you are considering a divorce, it is important that you keep in mind that every divorce is different and as much as people want to help, you have a lot of control over how your divorce moves forward. Here are a few common myths about divorce that you can keep in mind as you weigh this possibility for your family:
Mar 11, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Online Mediation
If you are considering seeking a divorce from your spouse, it is important to think hard about the long term implications and decide if this is the best course of action for you and your family. Whether you have been thinking about this possibility for some time or something has happened that has caused you to consider it more acutely, thinking ahead and planning can help you navigate the process with less financial and emotional stress. Here are 5 things you need to know if you are seriously considering divorce in the next 6-12 months:
Feb 11, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Mediation Questions
Fortunately, divorce is not something that you generally go through very often in your life. A divorce is never exactly expected or planned for so when you decide you are ready to move forward, you likely have a lot of questions about the process. Most individuals assume that the only way to settle a divorce is to go through the court system. However, divorce mediation has become a very viable option for settling all terms of a divorce, without having to set foot in a courtroom. If you are not familiar with how divorce mediation works, here are five important facts that can provide some information to help you decide
Jan 7, 2023 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota
Over the last several years, the courts in Minnesota have started to require that couples attempt an alternative dispute resolution service like divorce mediation before moving forward with litigation. You may wonder why the courts are trying to push couples away from the traditional court system. Here are some of the reasons:
1. Effectiveness: Mediation is highly effective, even for divorce cases that are complicated. Mediation can be successful at resolving all aspects of a divorce including child custody, division of joint property and spousal maintenance and child support.
Dec 17, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota, Mediation Questions
Over the last several years, more and more couples have looked for alternative ways to settle the terms of a divorce. Litigation has been the default process for many years, forcing couples to hire individual lawyers to represent them in court and spending a lot of time and money in the process. The most popular and effective alternative to litigation is divorce mediation, which allows couples to work with a neutral mediator to settle the terms of a divorce including division of property, child custody and spousal/child support. Rather than leave these major decisions in the hands of a judge, who can only learn so much
Dec 2, 2022 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Process in Minnesota
You may be surprised to learn that the Minnesota court system encourages all couples who are beginning the divorce process to use mediation instead of litigation to settle the issues between you. The legal system is backed up with cases and simply cannot schedule in a timely manner. Mediation has been proven to be an effective and efficient way to settle the terms of a divorce including child custody, division of joint property and spousal maintenance and/or child support.
Why is the court system making this recommendation? There are several important reasons: