Aug 22, 2018 | Divorce Coach, Divorce Coaching, Divorce Mediation, Minnetonka, MN
Johnson Mediation provides strong and effective mediation for divorcing couples. Our team brings to each case decades of experience, expertise in Minnesota divorce law, and compassion for the people with whom we work. Though divorce rates have leveled off in the last ten to twenty years, it is still a frequent occurrence in our society and affects more than fifty percent of all married couples. If you are in the process of seeking a divorce, mediation can be a great way to solve complex issues like division of property, development of a parenting plan and determination of child and/or spousal support.
Jun 20, 2018 | Divorce Mediation, Mediation, MN
If you and your spouse live in Minnesota and have decided to get a divorce, we can help you navigate this process. Johnson Mediation offers couples an alternative to the ways our society historically has thought of divorce. Divorce mediation has become a preferable way of seeking and finalizing a divorce; it is typically less costly than court-based divorce processes, it is less time-consuming, and mediation prioritizes amicable resolution of differences between you and your spouse. You can count on our team to provide you with the best of our professional expertise, a philosophical and practical commitment to fairness, and clear communication of the law as it pertains to divorce in Minnesota.