Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Will Divorce Mediation Help after my Divorce is FinalDivorce mediation is an excellent way to resolve many important issues as you and your spouse untangle your lives. Divorce mediation offers a forum to help you resolve issues such as the division of property, assets and debts, the development of a child custody agreement that works for your entire family, and the determination of whether or not child and/or spousal support is necessary. However, mediation can be just as effective after a divorce is final as it during the divorce process. Johnson Mediation can help you family throughout the entire divorce process, from the beginning to well after the divorce papers are signed.

Post-Divorce Mediation

For many couples, particularly if they share children, a divorce is just the beginning of an entirely new phase of a relationship. When you shift from a married couple to co-parents, you must adjust to an entirely new dynamic. If you had conflict during your marriage, it is possible (or even likely) that this conflict may carry over after your divorce. It is impossible for your divorce settlement to cover every single issue that may come up in the future. Post-Divorce Mediation is a great way to resolve all types of issues that come up after a divorce is final. Some of the most common issues that former couples tackle in mediation include:

  • Modifying your child or spousal support agreement
  • Modifying your child custody agreement
  • Resolving issues that come up related to effective co-parenting
  • Amending your marital settlement
  • Addressing any other type of post-divorce conflict

The bottom line is that it is impossible to address every single issue that may come up after your divorce. The court system is simply not built to litigate each and every one of these problems. Mediation can be an excellent tool to allow you and your ex to solve any problem that comes up after your divorce is final. Your mediator will facilitate a productive discussion that focuses on realistic solutions that will work for your entire family.

Experienced Divorce Mediator to Help You Focus on your Future, Not your Past

Johnson Mediation has been helping couples solve all types of issues during and after a divorce. Our team of experienced mediators will keep the focus on your family and your future so that you can continue to move forward with your life. If you would like more information about our post-divorce mediation services, call us at 952-401-7599.