Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

What Leads to DivorceThere are many different reasons why couples choose to divorce. For some, they report that their partner is not committed or is no longer interested in the relationship. For other couples, they may decide to split up because of trust issues, infidelity, high conflict, lack of communication, differences in goals or expectations, financial problems, substance abuse or even domestic violence. No matter what factors have contributed to the decision, divorce is widely known as one of the most stressful life events. Divorce mediation has been documented as the most effective way to proceed if both you and your significant other are ready to end the relationship.

Navigating The Divorce Process

If you are considering moving forward with a divorce, you may feel an overwhelming sense of sadness, grief, fear and even anger. The disappointment that your marriage did not succeed can be crushing for some and the prospect of beginning a new life without your spouse can be intimidating. Finding ways to cope with this huge life transition can be critical in helping you get back on your feet. Here are some tips for coping with an impending divorce:

1. Keep in mind that you are not alone. People all around you are facing similar issues in their relationships.
2. Rely on your support network. Friends, co-workers, neighbors and other family members can be extremely helpful as you move ahead with a divorce. Lean on your support network to help you get through the tough times.
3. Seek professional support: In addition to your personal support system, you should also consider what kind of professional services you might need to make the divorce process easier. You can consider hiring an attorney, mediator, accountant or therapist to help with different aspects of the process.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation Over Litigation

Every marriage is unique, and every divorce is unique. The team at Johnson Mediation has experience working with couples with all different types of goals and challenges to settle the terms of their divorce. Our staff will spend time getting to know you so that we can understand your family dynamic and help facilitate positive and productive discussion about such things as child custody, how to equitably divide your joint property and even whether spousal support or child support is warranted in your case. Mediation is less expensive and takes less time than litigation and can be completed during COVID-19 with virtual mediation sessions from the comfort of your own home. No matter what has led you to the decision to divorce, we can help. Call us at (952) 401-7599 to schedule a free consultation.