Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of DivorceDivorce can cost you thousands of dollars, at a time when you are already taking a financial hit from splitting your household from one to two. This can be extremely difficult to manage, while you are already under a huge amount of stress. You may be wondering if there is a way to reduce the cost of your divorce to help your family financially. Here are some tips for doing just that:

1. Choose how you want to resolve your divorce: Despite what you might assume, you do not have to go through the traditional court system to get a divorce. In fact, the courts in Minnesota actually recommend that you try divorce mediation before you attempt litigation. For many families, mediation works extremely well and can settle the terms of your divorce, without stepping foot into a courtroom. You can save thousands of dollars choosing mediation over litigation to settle your divorce. In addition, mediation can reduce the emotional toll of the process as well.
2. Organize your financial documents: The more organizing you can do for yourself, the less time the divorce process will take. Time is money, so if you are able to do some of the organization yourself, your pocketbook will benefit.
3. Work collaboratively: The key to mediation is finding common ground. The more collaboratively you and your ex can work, the easier the divorce process will be and the less financial and emotional stress you and your family will feel.
4. Keep things simple: The more complex your divorce case, the more time it will take and the more it will cost. If you have made the difficult decision to divorce, focus on your future rather than your past. You and your family will benefit from a collaborative and simple approach when possible.
5. Try to divide your joint property yourselves: No one knows better than you and your ex what property you share. You can also save time and money by making a comprehensive list of your joint assets and coming up with a plan for splitting them between you in a fair way. Your mediator can help with this process as well so that you do not have to litigate this.

Divorce Mediation Free Consultation

Johnson Mediation can help you conserve financial resources when you partner with our team for divorce mediation. We will guide you through the entire divorce process step by step so that you can focus on your family and your future. For more information about the cost of divorce mediation services, call us for a free consultation at 952-401-7599.