Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Reasons to Choose Divorce Mediation Over Divorce Litigation Divorce is widely considered one of the most stressful life events and right now this stress is magnified by the uncertainty and stress of the times. Divorce mediation is a way to settle the terms of your divorce without the added stress of litigation. Johnson Mediation specializes in divorce mediation services and offers high quality mediation services even during these uncertain times.

Below are 5 reasons that you should choose divorce mediation over divorce litigation if you are getting a divorce:

1. Can be completed virtually: Mediation offers you the flexibility to settle the terms of your divorce (including division of property, child custody and spousal/child support) with virtual or in-person sessions. Depending on your comfort level, you can choose to complete the entire divorce process virtually with online mediation sessions, or you can proceed with in person sessions. The Minnesota courts are actually encouraging couples to consider mediation as a way to move forward with the divorce process.
2. Costs less money: Mediation costs significantly less than a court battle. You do not have to pay hourly fees for an attorney, so you can expect to save several thousand dollars by trying mediation before litigation.
3. Takes less time: Unlike litigation, you do not have to wait for a court date or on a time when both attorneys are available to move forward. You move forward on your own timeline. You can expect to settle the terms of your divorce in 2-3 mediation sessions (each lasting approximately 2-3 hours). Litigation can take 6-12 months if not longer in some cases.
4. Reduces conflict: While litigation tends to focus on a win/lose dynamic, mediation focuses on collaboration and cooperation, which can actually reduce the overall conflict in the divorce process. Reducing conflict can empower you and your ex to find solutions that will work for you and your family.
5. Pave the way for future interactions: Signing the divorce papers does not usually mean the end of communication between two former spouses. If you share children, you will need to transition to healthy co-parenting. Mediation can put you in a strong position to be able to resolve problems that come up even after your divorce is final. In addition, if you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve, you can use post-divorce mediation to come to a resolution for future issues that come up.

Minnesota Divorce Mediation Services

Johnson Mediation understands the stress of divorce. In fact, our founder, Jeff Johnson, has been through a difficult divorce himself. Our team strives to help you navigate the process in a more positive and healthy way so that you can move forward toward your future, rather than focusing on the pain of your past. For more information about our divorce mediation services, call 952-401-7599.