Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Neutral Divorce MediatorWhen you begin the divorce process, it can be overwhelming trying to think of everything you’ll need to do, everything you’ll need to know to complete your divorce, and everything you’ll need to address with your partner before the divorce can be finalized. Separating is stressful and emotionally draining enough, regardless of how amicable your separation may be, but when you factor in the divorce process, you’re looking at weeks or months of difficult decisions and potentially huge conflicts as you begin to work through the specifics with your partner. In order to avoid the stress of a courtroom divorce that leaves both parties feeling like they’ve lost something in the divorce, try out divorce mediation instead. At Johnson Mediation, we provide Eden Prairie, MN neutral divorce mediation services to help make sure your divorce is as smooth and fast as possible so that you don’t have to worry so much about the details.

What is a Divorce Mediator?

A divorce mediator is someone who works with both parties in a divorce, together, to create equitable divorce agreements. Divorce mediators are neutral parties, advocating for neither party and merely providing guidance as to the legally fair boundaries and guidelines in a divorce. We can help you determine what a judge may decide when evaluating your divorce case, what would be recommended in your specific divorce, and how you should begin to address the main elements of your divorce, including parenting time/child custody, spousal support/alimony, child support, and the division or property. All of these decisions can be emotionally charged and significantly difficult for partners to make, especially when there is a tendency to create conflict during divorce. With a divorce mediator, you can avoid much of that conflict and come to a legally fair divorce agreement that gives each party as much of what they want out of the divorce as possible.

Benefits of a Neutral Divorce Mediator

Once you understand what a divorce mediator does, it may already be easy to see just what the benefits of a divorce mediator may be. As you begin your mediation process, you may find that divorce is nothing like you imagined it would be. It does not need to be heated, and it doesn’t need to be drawn-out or expensive. Instead, with a neutral divorce mediator, you can be sure you have a quick, affordable, and low-conflict divorce simply by working through the details of your divorce outside of the courts. Because the divorce court system is so adversarial, it naturally creates conflict; however, a neutral divorce mediator is intended to keep conflict as low as possible so that you and your spouse can come to a mutual agreement that would be legally fair in court. To schedule your neutral divorce mediation appointment at Johnson Mediation, contact our Eden Prairie, Minnesota divorce mediators today at 952-401-7599 or