Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Is Divorce Mediation Faster than LitigationThe divorce process is complicated and if you hire lawyers and go through the court system, you can easily expect it to take many months to resolve. You must work around the schedule of your attorneys as well as the judge and even the courtroom. The average divorce that is litigated can take anywhere between six to twenty-four months to complete. That means that your family may be in limbo for an extended period, which can take a huge emotional toll on you and your family, especially if you share kids.

How Long Does Divorce Take?

Did you know that your divorce can take much less time if you decide to go through divorce mediation instead of litigation? Mediation is an extremely efficient way to resolve the big issues that need to be settled in a divorce including how to divide the property and assets that you shared during your marriage, how to come up with a feasible and fair parenting plan and whether or not you need to put a spousal maintenance or child support plan into place. Your mediator understands the law in your state and can guide you through each step of the process, without the need of the courts.

If you decide to pursue mediation, you can expect for it to take three or four two-hour sessions. Generally, these sessions are scheduled several weeks apart so that you have time to think about your goals and priorities and gather information in between sessions. Instead of 6-24 months to complete, mediation can take between 2-4 months total. That means less of a financial burden and the ability to move forward with your life more quickly. Of course, every divorce is unique, and the process can be shorter or longer to meet your unique needs. Your mediator will not make decisions in your case but will facilitate a discussion between you and your soon to be ex-spouse that is clear, concise and focused on resolution of your goals.

Divorce Mediation Resource in Minnesota and Wisconsin

The shorter duration of the mediation process is a huge benefit of choosing mediation over litigation. Once you have made the difficult decision to divorce, you may want to move forward with the process quickly so that you can focus on building your future. A shorter divorce is helpful for your children as well – mediation generally means reduced conflict as well which lays a positive foundation for future co-parenting interactions. For more information about how you can navigate your divorce quickly using mediation services, call Johnson Mediation at 952-252-1492.