Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Male Divorce MediatorBecause you may not have ever expected to be in the midst of a divorce, you may never have given much thought to the various options for settling a divorce. We are all aware of the statistic that approximately 50% of marriages end in divorce, but when we said our vows and pondered a future, divorce was simply not in the picture. So, if you have found yourself in a situation in which divorce looks like your reality, you might need some help and support to navigate the process. This can come in the form of family, friends, coworkers, online resources and those trained divorce mediators to help couples navigate the sometimes overwhelming and difficult process of divorce. The team at Johnson Mediation understands that this is a difficult time for you and will help you with all aspects of the divorce settlement process, including decisions about child custody, spousal/child support and division of property.

What Does A Divorce Mediator Do?

A mediator’s role is to act as a neutral third party and help facilitate discussion between you and your divorcing spouse about the terms of your divorce. Mediation is confidential and flexible and can empower you and your spouse to find solutions about how your family will function after your divorce is final. Your mediator is not a decider, you and your spouse make the decisions in the mediation process, but you can expect your mediator to be able to provide important and useful context and information about the process that can enable you to find solutions specific to your family’s needs.

Mediation can work for many couples and is much less expensive than court trial or even several hearings in court. In addition, establishing a relationship with a divorce mediator can be helpful after your divorce, when things come up, schedules change and you need to revisit the terms of your divorce. Working with a divorce mediator ultimately gives you and your spouse control over the divorce process, rather than leaving it in the hands of the courts.

How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take?

Johnson Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services at a fraction of the cost of a court battle. In addition to saving you money, mediation also is less time consuming than proceeding through the courts. You can expect that a mediation case will take, on average, 3 to 4 two hour sessions over the course of several months, solving all outstanding issues in your case. For more information about the divorce mediation process or to speak with a Johnson Mediation divorce mediator, call us today at (952) 401-7599.