Now Providing All Mediation Services Online

Choosing A Divorce Mediator In 2022When it comes to divorce, you must make some decisions to get the process started. One of those decisions is whether to go through the traditional court system for divorce or to attempt a mediated divorce. In addition to the many benefits of mediation, the Minnesota court system also recommends that all couples try divorce mediation first before proceeding through the courts. Choosing your mediator becomes your next major decision in terms of navigating the divorce process. Here are some important factors to consider as you make this important decision.

Do your homework: Just like any big decision in your life, it is important to do your homework when making a decision about a mediator. You can get a lot of information from a mediator’s website about their approach and the costs associated with the process. There are many options out there, so try to narrow your options down to 3-4 potential mediators to look at more closely.

Interview multiple mediators: Once you have narrowed your list of mediators down, you should reach out to their offices and ask questions. You should ask about background experience, specifics about cost and about their schedule in the coming weeks/months. You may want to find out if each mediator prefers in person or virtual mediation sessions so that you can decide what is a better match for your situation.

Flexibility: Consider the flexibility with scheduling that each of your top mediators can provide. Are they available at times that you are available? Are they willing to answer your questions via email in between sessions? You are really hiring a partner in the divorce mediation process, so it is important that your schedule is a good fit with your mediator’s.

Ask for referrals: One of the best resources for making a decision about a mediator is personal referrals. Whether you find these referrals online or you have a personal referral, you will get a lot of insight about a mediator’s approach when you hear other individuals talk about their experience.

Look for a connection: Finally, it is critically important that you and your ex connect with your mediator and feel like you can build trust with them. This important component will allow you to be more honest and open during the process, which leads to more positive results for you and your family.

Johnson Mediation is a trusted divorce mediator serving clients all over the Minnesota area. We offer evening and weekend appointments, affordable pricing and an approach that puts your family first. If you would like more information about our mediation services, call us at 952-401-7599 for a free one-hour consultation.