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Support After DivorceThere’s no denying that divorce is tough. And if you’ve been through a divorce, you know that “tough” doesn’t even begin to describe the mental and emotional challenges a divorce can create for everyone, including couples and their children. The most important thing to remember when you’re going through your divorce and transitioning into your new life is that you never have to be alone. There are always people willing to help you – you just have to know where to find them. At Johnson Mediation, we’re not just divorce mediators; we’re divorce support specialists. We help those beginning their lives after divorce actually move forward and create healthy, happy lives. If you’re looking for support after your divorce in Chanhassen, Shorewood or Eden Prairie, MN, we’re here to help in any way you need.

Grief Recovery Support

For some divorcing couples, choosing to get a divorce isn’t always a unanimous decision, and even when it feels like the right decision, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy one to make – or to live with. Regardless of your circumstances, it’s common to go through several stages of grief following a divorce, and grief is not something you need to handle alone. We are here to help you work through your grief, move beyond it, and see the possibilities that lie ahead of you.

Creating New Routines after Divorce

One of the best ways to manage grief and move forward is to actually go through the motions of creating a new life for yourself after divorce. When you’re married, your life revolves at least partially around the other person, and vice versa. Once divorced, your life is your own again, and it can be daunting to think of how much more time you have to devote to something new. But what will that be? We can help you create new daily routines, find new ways to spend your time and energy, and help you see your independent life as a new, exciting journey that can take you wherever you want to go.

Setting Goals after Divorce

Part of creating a new life for yourself is having goals – and not just long-term goals that may or may not be doable. We can help you create achievable goals after your divorce so that you have something to work toward and look forward to every day, no matter what. With reachable goals set, you’ll find that your daily life has new meaning and new purpose.

Parenting Consulting and Parenting Time Expediting

In addition to individual support, we can help with any parenting issues after divorce, as well. As parenting consultants and parenting time expeditor, we can help you deal with common parenting issues, including adjusting visitation time or custody, helping you and your former spouse make parenting decisions, help you accept the parenting decisions that have been made in your divorce agreement, and more.

If you could use someone who’s in your corner, helping you move forward from a divorce, Johnson Mediation can offer you post-divorce support in Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Shorewood, Minnesota. Contact us at (952) 401-7599, or email Jeff at, and let us know how we can support you.